
“He’s a grade-A coward, a sleazy punk, a slimy con man.”

Now playing

Track: Could Have Been Me | Artist: The Struts | Album: Everybody Wants

Welcome to E3 2016! Kotaku is in Los Angeles for the week, bringing you all the news, interviews, media, and more


Will I need to play the first 2,015 NBA games to understand what is going on with this one or can I jump right in? I’m worried the plot might be over my head.

NBA 2k16? That kind of looks like Rocket League, except with people instead of cars, and with an unusually tiny ball. Or are the people just much larger than cars? Hard to tell, may be worth playing.

I continue to fail to understand this argument. Don’t read the articles you’re not interested in. I purchased all of the content for Destiny as it came out. I played the crap out of it. I play very rarely lately. I still don’t feel like it was money wasted. If you don’t like it, then don’t play it, it’s not edgy to

You aren’t new to Kotaku, so the only reason you got to be clicking on stuff that you don’t want to read about is someone holding a gun to your head. Or just shameless idiocy along with a burning desire to bring no real discourse to the table. That works too.

This was a networking party meant to promote socializing on Microsoft’s dime. Any kind of sexualized dancers makes zero sense.

This would get you fired in most industries for sexual harassment. The game industry needs to grow up.

Get ready for the mouthbreathers in the comments to come out and say it’s their rights to ogle booth babes that are violated, and also GamerGate is actually about ethics in gaming journalism.

Don’t roll your eyes, this is a BIG DEAL.

Internet: You are whore for showing your boobs.

Her body, her stream, her choice.

But does it subtract from the overall experience?

Yes! Find employment, young men! Join the workforce and have your soul crushed like the rest of us. Trust me, you’ll be too worn out to want to fiddle around with your goddamn computer. You’ll also gain some perspective about how the world works and how we should be nicer to each other because, imagine this, perhaps

I really don’t think that adds anything to the conversation.

You might say in The Division in-game trolling has multiplied.

I’m glad that my life isn’t so empty that the free time I have away from work and taking care of my family aren’t squandered by being a huge asshole in a video game.

If it's real, legitimate impotence the male body has a way of preventing it on its own. Anything else and they must have allowed it or enjoyed it, so no need to provide medication.