
I can’t see why they didn’t sell. I mean, my God, would you look at how beautiful the design is? [Buh-dum-tsss] “Zank you, I’ll be here all ze veek.”

And well overdue for an asteroid me thinks. Let the tardagrades have their time.

Double Fuck You Ajit Pai you P.O.S. shill.

And this is why we can’t have vice things.

Me either. I’m Day One on the 3D release. Just don’t get the vitriol.

Me either. I’m Day One on the 3D release. Just don’t get the vitriol.

I know one automotive designer that should be flogged. How do you sit around an R&D table and say “Oh yeah, that’s hot! Run with it!” This may be the first car where modding it would be to make it look more like a normal Civic.

I own this exact pair and another of Prototipos. They’re comfortable as Hell. And opinions are like assholes.

And to a great segment of people, a car is nothing more than a conveyance from Point A to Point B. VW’s aren’t for them.

Right there with you. I also acquired a 2016 GTI last March and couldn’t be happier. This is after having a 15-year love/hate relationship with a Jetta 1.8T. VW just gets in your blood. I find it kind of cruel irony that VW was mercilessly bludgeoned with the Dieselgate scandal, when I could tell you for a fact that

I’m pretty certain the amount of money you have is inversely proportional to how quickly a beautiful car becomes gaudy. (i.e. Mansory, Gemballa, this car)

At least there are a kajillion surfaces you can stick Go Pro’s on when you make your sweet stanced dubstep video for your bruh’s.

I was thinking they might recreate Dr. Tyrell (if I’m not mistaken the actor who played him passed) as Rutger could at least voice a younger version of himself (if that’s what they intend.) Either way, I’m stoked. Rogue’s CGI wasn’t perfect but didn’t detract anything for me. However, the subtle nuances the eye can

OTFOTUS? I love it. Nice one Admiral!

Seriously, I will think better in the future when i09 recco’s a SciFi series. This was pretentious claptrap. I’m really mad that I gave it the full season bingewatch to give it a chance. In NO way was this anywhere CLOSE to a Stranger Things. I’m all about humans, feelings, sharing, but W.T.F. And that interpretative

Ahem... BAG of dicks sir.

Now I miss my old girl. 15 years of bliss. *sniff*

And one other thing bothered me about the science (although since it’s being panned it might be forgiven). Luke was shot twice with the Judas bullets—once in the abdomen and another in the front chest muscle area. When they give him the “boiling acid dip”, they only removed shrapnel from what I believe was the abdomen

Blame Netflix for fueling this “binge-watching” addiction. I’m fine with doling it out an episode a week. My God, how much dopamine do we need at once anyway? Be patient, or wait until the whole season is available.