
Didn’t some site tease a while ago about being about to drop the name of an A list pedophile that no one would believe, and everyone was guessing who it was?

Jesus. This poor guy. I absolutely believe him. I always have. He’s entirely bananas as well. He has some weird ideas (his Angels business is problematic).

No one believes victims of sexual assault. Male or female. Young or old.

I know Terry Richardson and the others who’ve been fired for being alleged predators are just a drop in the ocean. I know companies are only taking a stand because people are paying attention. I know this level of interest is temporary and Condé Nast, etc will soon go back to not giving a crap. But I also know I’m not

I HATE that it took this long for Terry to be smeared and blacklisted, BUT I will take every single one of these assaulting douchebags going down one by one in the hopes that people finally understand this should never have been ignored or blamed on the victims.

Now playing

Since we’re talking vintage project runway...I still sing “lighten up its just fashion” to myself all the time. This was a truly great season.

There’s a difference between using that as an excuse and realizing you were in a bad place with drinking and drugs and doing fucked up shit you wouldn’t do sober, then getting sober and not doing those things anymore and apologizing. However its hard to tell the level of sincerity/remorse for an outsider and also hard

An annoying, intrusive, bossy know-it-all who tries to take over parenting your children? They should call this the “Mother-in-Law” or maybe just the “Marie.”

this is so classic Xtina. I can’t handle the galaxy going on around her belly button omg.

In fairness, nobody thought it was weird when I and plenty of my peers got into Nirvana as teens, even though Kurt Cobain died when I was a toddler. It seems to be a pretty common cycle.

My 12yo is obsessed with Panic! At the Disco, Fall Out Boy, and most other emo bands of the early aughts... I hope it’s a phase.

I liked her in Winter’s Bone and that one episode of Medium she was in, but in nothing else since. She’s just the same in everything, and it doesn’t help that she’s so often paired with the even more bland Bradley Cooper. Who is the human equivalent of beige.

Eh. She’s less obnoxious overall because at least she’s not faking anything. Also because she’s a kid and people were just trying to use her for a laugh.

A more fitting punishment is to tell them they are getting 5 years probation and then jail them for a year. That would be a great reaction vid.

Yeah! It looks like this.

The friend is A list OF SELENA’S HEART now!

I’m 32 and have a baby and still am not sure if I’ve had a “real” relationship or not!!

that is crazy subjective, gf.

Watery eyes through indicate a health issue. So the cow was sick.

This. And cows don’t cry. No amount of anthropomorphizing will make that true.