
This movie has a lot of elements (cast, director, etc.) that should make it right up my alley but if I just saw the trailer without reading this article...I would've walked away knowing absolutely nothing about the movie. I think calling a "mess" might be an understatement.

Is it just me or does the old white guy's geminoid look less freaky than the other two?

I haven't watched FvJ in years but I remember thinking it was a boat load of fun when I did watch it. I own Jason X and now I'm wondering if I need to pick up FvJ for a double-feature...

Crossed my mind too!

Damn it! Stop trying to diffuse my anger with this amazing visual image!!

YES. For some reason this picture is freaking me out!

Hahaha. You made me really curious so I had to look it up. Your visual image is much better than the real thing, imho.

Woah! I'm more concerned that I missed the memo about her and that prince guy she was dating forever breaking up.

What about body piercings? Could he perhaps have a wedding nipple ring?

These guys obviously need to get wedding tattoos, then...to prove their devotion.

I think it would rub me less awkwardly if neither of them was going to wear a ring. It just feels so one way that she's wearing a ring and he isn't. I'd feel the same way if he was wearing a ring ands he wasn't. That being said, it's none of my business what they decide to do, despite the fact that I'm sitting here as

I'm just going to throw this out there that I remember once hearing the story of a mother with a regular diet who breastfed her child. The child ended up suffering from malnutrition because there was some other medical issue wrong with the mother causing her milk to be insufficient for nourishing the child. And the

I LOOOVE me some Serenity...but it still smarts that it is here and The Matrix isn't. It also smarts that I had to vote for Terminator.

"Saucy" and "love letter" are about Kimbra Lo and not about Irene Morales.

While I didn't think he did a particularly good job of interacting with himself on The Social Network, I did think he was one of the best parts of the film. Well, all three lead actors were excellent. JT was okay.

I hope I'm wrong and this thing is hilarious, but everyone knows these kinds of movies tend to go in one of two directions: either really funny or really bad.

I would seriously sacrifice my first born* to sit in on one of their brainstorming sessions.

Seeing Matrix against Star Wars so early in the tournament makes everything else seem like a piece of a cake.

Went to NYU. (Cue the tomatoes.) To be fair, I think only two classes showed it from beginning to end, with two more classes only showing one or two segments.

(Sidenote: is/has Jezebel covered the obvious raging sexism of this movie? Yes, girls, pure male fantasy is totally empowerment! Ugh.)