
White House aides apparently looked into a cost estimate for a trench alongside the border wall filled with snakes or alligators”

They’re just waiting for their moment. A democrat will say something controversial or something and then that will be all they talk about any time impeachment is mentioned. They’re just waiting for the thing they can deflect to so they can go “the real story here is ____”

Two reasons:

My guess is that enough of the in-this-reality facts are penetrating the Fox base. They’re being forced to cover the actual events, and the actual events don’t have a good look no matter how you spin it. So, Fox is being forced to cover the news on their “news” programming, and let their spin doctors try to explain it

The Ministry of Propoganda has turned on him. I’m starting to believe Trump might actually be fucked this time

Bollocks it did. Around a third of the country voted, many were excluded and leave had a tiny majority of those who did. Most in the UK are now pro remain, not leave.

Depends when you define ‘day one’ as. Because it took Boris a HECK of a long time to come out on the side of Brexit during the campaign before the vote. I agree that he’s all about the no-deal, but only because that was his path to becoming the PM. Make no mistake, Boris is not ideologically behind ANY bandwagon apart

Doubly hilarious when you consider that the whole Leave argument was that it would allow the UK Parliament and courts to be sovereign again and make their own decisions!


Can you imagine living in a country where the shitshow of a government is actually held accountable? Where those responsible for the systematic checks and balances actually act, instead of being either in the government’s pocket OR too afraid of being uncivil? Good on you, UK.

I think the Evening Standard makes a TMZ takeover redundant:

Boris seems to exemplify the word “twat” more and more every day. That’s a lot of twattage

SoCo tells BoJo his plan is a NoGo.

She must have mad bills because she seems to refuse to do something about those split ends of hers. I won’t be expecting her to do a big chop because I’m sure that heffa is the type to think natural hair is unprofessional and you can’t look too Black when shucking and jiving, but damn!

I have never been so thankful that my speakers don’t work.

“but in the interim, feel free to stare blankly at your cellphone or computer screen as you attempt to process what you just witnessed.”

Does wingnut welfare *really* pay that well or is it more of a steady income?

There’s a real difference between “Yeah, we should extricate ourselves from the EU” versus “We should crash out and have medicine shortages!”

The Leave campaign regularly lied about what that actually meant.

They ALL campaigned on how easy it would be to renegotiate deals in the UK’s favour; how much more money there would be for social services; how everyone could get work when foreigners were kicked out, etc.

You are a national treasure and should be protected. I....love you for what you bring and what you do for us daily. I swear I would not have made it thru this fuckery without The Root and especially you. Thank you, Michael.