I’m not certain but I think allowing the kids to find the donor does lead to fewer donations because donors don’t want to be contacted by a quite frankly random kid they don’t have a connection to.
I’m not certain but I think allowing the kids to find the donor does lead to fewer donations because donors don’t want to be contacted by a quite frankly random kid they don’t have a connection to.
You know them dudes; MAGAHoteps, Conservative Black Uncles, free thinker assholes and the I-forgot-I-was-black-until-I-fit-a-description crew.
Honestly, we should be seeing a lot more of these at Trump rallies. They clearly coddle him like the collicky toddler that he is... just fuckin own it.
He is polling at 15% with black men. If that holds or worse improves he gets re-elected. Between the purity Dems and the misogynists we are fucked. For all the black men that claim you love and support black women you ass kissing, foot shuffling, coons have a funny way of showing it. You didn’t come out for Stacey…
Proroguing Parliament is normal for a new administration, but Prime Minister Boris Johnson is quite clearly using it as a tactic to run out the clock on leaving the EU and force a no-deal Brexit.
Brexit is a giant mess, a group of far-right hardliners getting called on their lies when basically no one expected that to happen. There’s a fair bit of evidence many of the people who voted for it in the initial referendum have changed their minds as the chaotic mess has been ongoing for awhile. If Labour wasn’t too…
This is going to be hardest on Bristol, Track, Twig, Smock, Groot, Krunk, Willow, Slider, Stub, Twiddle, Piper, Fluff, Carat, Keg, Snuggle, Bop, Rice and Spoit.
I was really hoping for a transcript.... I’m too delicate for that hardcore stuff.
“Al Gore’s Internet”
Makes me feel sorry for Satan, for now having to be in Mugabe’s company almost.
I read five newspapers (national & international) every morning. If you think that this Australian show is bad, you should read the UK newspaper, the Daily Mail. It publishes multiple vile and racist articles about Megan Markle every day. Its racist-in-chief is Piers Morgan. If I ever come across him, I will punch him…
This nigga got jokes.
Wow, how racist do you have to be to be considered too racist even for the Daily Mail?
Shout out to that one tweet that said Nicki has to leave her career to raise kids because her man can’t pick them up at school.
Really. I already dismissed some asshole who was like “Well, some of the things he said was right.” as if that’s some kind of comprehensive defense. It will never cease to amaze me when humans do this.
Because I believe in reasonable debate on this site, I looked at your sources. The first was behind a paywall, but the BBC article is simply a summation of the first article. One news story referencing one article doesn’t seem to be a robust body of work.
For real, some people will be swayed but anyone who puts in more than thirty seconds of research into the man will know he is not on the level.
Malema is an absolute nutcase. Forget for a second that Mugabe tried this, and cratered both Zimbabwe’s economy and food production. But it is morally reprehensible. Yes, the legacy of colonialism and Apartheid create enormous disparities in wealth and power. And sure, white south African’s aren’t “from” there. But…
I got you. Entire video is good, the Malema starts around 2:50.
Someone please find the piece Trevor Noah did on Julius. The guy is a nutball.