
I had surface-level inclinations of some of what you were saying. I guess I was still riding on the outcome from the last election where May lost where she expected to gain.

The biggest problem is that, for better or worse, the face of the opposition is Jeremy Corbyn.

Can you imagine the complete Trump melt-down and follow up Category 5 Tweet storm if he were to be subjected to a meeting of this sort before Congress? I truly believe there would be large quantities of profanity mixed in with his ranting, contradictions from one sentence to the other, and indignant proclamations of

Oh my god, I would love to see members of Congress give Trump the dressing down he deserves, on camera, while he has to sit there and take it.

Oh. This explains so much. 

This was not a detail I was aware of.

His name is BORIS FFS.

Holy cow! Clusterfuck isn’t the word — something worse. Over here we say “Dumpster Fire.” And there are pictures, though I don’t have one right now to show you.

Ah, Jacob Rees-Cunt.  The prick who cheerleads no-deal Brexit and yet makes sure that his own company and money is safe in Ireland.  The little fucktard needs exposed to sunlight.  Revolting, vile, nasty wee cunt.

The Tories don’t want another vote because they’ve promised their base they’d deliver Brexit and they’ll get eaten alive at the polls if they fail. Labour doesn’t want it because Jeremy Corbyn doesn’t like the EU. So there you go.

A leader of the house laying down and doing nothing? Sure it was contemptuous, but if you ask me, it was a flawless Nancy Pelosi impression.

Goth Hip-hop. Now I want to see this even more. There are pics of me in my high school that I am trying to convince my niece to find and destroy. Puberty is a nightmare.

Can you tell us more? ‘Cuz it sounds like Clegg and Cameron may have been engaging in similar Parliamentary shenanigans to the ones that Moscow Mitch and Lindsey Graham and the Conservative One Foot in the Grave Club have been doing over the past ten years or so to secure power advantages in the Senate and House for

Whoa!  I wish I understood parliamentary systems better.  

As strange as it is to say at this point, what Boris Johnson is advocating actually seems to make the most sense.

Hoping and praying for this. Now that Johnson is in the minority, can’t they vote “No Confidence,” turf him out, and beg the EU for an extension? Could we even, possibly hope for an end to this madness?

“National Autonomy” is just coded language for “No more free movement of Eastern Europeans to take our jerbs”.

Huh. I’d expected a more dramatic, Shakespearean event. He just...switched seats.

Sadly, Labour is like the Democrats in that they have the better ideas, but their leadership, organization and the occasional foot in mouth from their leaders makes them a less effective opposition party.

I agree. I have a feeling an impromptu election could possibly see brexit disappear.