Why is the Far-right so emotional?
Why is the Far-right so emotional?
I this the same idiot that tried to call out an MP a few weeks ago for being a liberal pro-EU politician only for him to make an idiot out of her by calling her a keyboard warrior and that he was pro-brexit from the start?
IDK this ones a bit better.
He’s a handsome-looking chap.
The Germans have beaten both of us.
Its so embarrassing, here is our president being ignored by our biggest ally. I have seen pictures of that road when other leaders have visited, its always crowded with thousands of people. At least our pig in chief didn’t get to ride in the horse drawn golden coach with all those shiny guardsmen around him. I did…
That is spectacular! The Brits are protest shaming us! We need to up our game America. Lets truly make America Great Again and learn how to protest right!
Evidently the president missed the thousands of people jeering his visit in nearby Trafalgar Square where, once again, the giant Trump baby balloon flew above the crowd.
This is what happens when the botox needle goes too deep too often.
Racist much? And how did you get out of the greys, anyway?
Hey Purged!
Trump and his third wife, Melania...
“ultimate late-capitalism horror show”
but i would wack 100 miles
and i would wack 100 more
just to be the man who wacks 200 miles
to get smacked down upon the floor
i was late to deadwood, binged it a few years ago on prime and loved it. but watching a bunch of cable network shows before deadwood, it’s amazing how many fine actors were featured in the series and moved onto to so many other great shows.
This woman is clearly very economically anxious.
“Wear this shirt as a white person to troll your local Communists, or wear this shirt as a brown person to troll stuck-up middle-class urbanites. Either way it’s funny!”