
Remember, dears, here in the UK we can do this sort of shenanigan without any mindless fat fuck pulling a gun out of their lacy y-fronts. And if you are planning to do something like glazing a putrid sack of aborted slug fetuses with a cheap overly-sweet confection? Chocolate milkshakes are best. They stain.

Ben Carson should’ve died shortly after he separated those conjoined twins or after the book, Gifted Hands, or maybe after he got the painting of himself with black Jesus. Because Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson is fucking up Dr. Ben Carson’s legacy.

Here I was minding my own fucking business yesterday when suddenly "KNOW THIS AT BURGERTHOT"

She probably had a Groupon...

Two things milkshaking has taught me:

I’m sending curds and whey to the throwers.

I think the funniest bit was that it was a designer milkshake, not McD’s...

Taking bets on which city has the honor of being ground zero for US milkshakes. Philly is the early favorite.

If I owned that McDonalds I would have started handing out free milkshakes with any other purchase. 

Myyyyyyy milkshake brings all the Wehrmacht to the yard/
And they’re like, “Ja das ist gut,”/
Yeah they’re like, “Ja das ist gut,”/
Now they lookin for some boden und blut.

I dunno, I’m off form today. The bottom line is that this is awesome as an alternative to physical violence, as it gets the point across without

I’d be impressed if someone actually educated is writing Trump’s tweets and doesn’t have to bash themselves in the head with a hammer to get to his level of stupid.

What crime is this intended to punish?

Tastes nothing like A1 sauce, which is a liquified tud. ‘Brown Sauce’ as recorded by its proper name of HP Sauce will make anything taste great. And yes, HP Sauce ALWAYS goes on a bacon sandwich, ketchup is for children.

I was with you until the no vinegar part. I love malt finger on fries chips.

We found the soulless food restaurant, folks.

As a Black vegetarian, I just came to say, “Not in my name”.

Excuse me sir, but I believe you may be overstating the total whiteness of this sandwich. If you were to claim it was the whitest sandwich in the south, I may be inclined to agree with you but whitest sammich ever? No. Here, let me ask you a few things to illustrate my point: