
The blogger criticized Cardi for her choices. She didn’t say anything about the kid directly.

I would have to disagree that theorizing that a child will be born with learning disabilities due to the mothers drug use is in any way an attack on the kid. It is 100% an attack on the mother.

The kid who someone attacked for clickbait?

The world and what it has come to.

Having paid public holidays must feel nice, or healthcare, or both.

Hot healthy school lunches should be free in every public school, end of story.

I know, right?

Part of this will be to vote in 2020.

I get 15 minutes, lol.

There was a white-presenting person on the same train car with his Starbucks - breaking the same rules you’re so up in arms about - and he himself pointed out that he somehow escaped Natasha’s notice. She DIDN’T report him, even though he was breaking the same rule you’re so upset about. Somehow.

I for one, appreciate the hard work LaPierre has done to run the NRA into the ground. If the organization is finally forced to shutter it’s doors, he will have done a great service to America.

It’s wishful thinking on my part that the NRA dies a death of a thousand self-inflicted financial cuts.

Yes, yes, these women are just pointing and laughing (?) at **reads notes** at one of those famous Boy Scout noose because...reasons. Yes, that’s the ticket.

What is wrong with you?

Meh. Pay Spinderella. She’s a mom too.

I know you’re being sarcastic and you attempt to be an “ally” - but if you’re serious about being one - as a white person, you know the best thing you and the rest of you motherfuckers can do for the next, oh - 10-20 years?  SHUT THE FUCK UP.  I mean, in ALL ways.  Just fucking sit in the corner, don’t make jokes,

Seriously, how stupid do you have to be in order to be too stupid to be a police officer?

She deleted the tweet and thought this shit would go away. Nothing would make me happier than to see her lose her book deal and to spend the rest of her days getting dragged on Twitter. For anyone thinking she doesn’t deserve this, wrong she deserves worse. She tried to get a woman minding her own business fired from

I love how she has her little Jordanian flag emoji in her twitter profile. Sis, stop. Take a seat...just take a seat all-the-way over there away from us, and keep your damn mouth shut.

Are you telling me she made it to CNN for this, or is the screenshot unrelated?  Honestly, if I can get on CNN and plug my SoundCloud I’m about to rat out somebody for jaywalking.