I don’t take it as a stab at Corvette. It’s more a poke at Hertz and their absurd pricing on used rentals.
I don’t take it as a stab at Corvette. It’s more a poke at Hertz and their absurd pricing on used rentals.
You’re not going to believe this but I have the exact same car. Red Lightning McQueen. It's my son's forever car.
I do admit I’ve told this story more than once, but I don’t think it would hurt to tell it one more time.
As long as you avoid the pre-face lift E gear, because those cars were horrible and if you ever launched one there is a 80% chance you will grenade the trans.
honestly both F360 and Gallardo PreFL are now much cheaper than Skyline GT-R R34 which is a bargain I think
I have driven them both, the 360 is trash compared to the Gallardo.
This is the correct answer. You can get a decent Gallardo for sub 100K which is essentially the same price range as the 360, all the while getting a more reliable car, with a much more powerful engine, drive ability and much more modern looks. Win. Win.
I think the problem was how abrupt a step up the 458 was.
Awesome. Drive the shit out of that baby and keep it till you die.
Not when the Huracan is so fugly!
More pictures of them in two-tone colors or racing strips, please.
Raise your hand if somebody you knew had this exact photo as their Myspace background. Raise both and wave them…
I own one.
It’s all about smoothness. It’s rapid, but not quick. Power is never wanting but it’s never enough to pique your adrenaline. Cruising at 90 is meditation, there’s very little noise from the engine even at wide open.
Everything has been thought out, everything works beautifully be it interior ergonomics or the…
mmmm... that 750 is an excellent color. Does a Brown, V12, Auto, Limousine fill the hole for a manual diesel wagon? No. But it’s a nice compromise when it looks this good.
Dealer here. Most of our inventory is $10k and under. While 90% of us in this market are complete scam artists, there are good ones out there who just have a passion for cars, and want to treat people right. I would rather let my business go under than have a customer be unhappy on a deal. That being said, here are a…
Earlier this year, Martin Bergman was working on a GTA V graphics mod that looked positively unreal. It’s still not…