
I laughed my ass off at the original message as gaming journalism was originally kind of a marketing department in a sense during whatever time these people are thinking of. It’s only really recently that it has gotten better (imo) and it’s no thanks to gamergate.

A few people in my personal life could definitly try to understand this. However I kind of doubt it that they ever will...

I agree with that. I understand he was possesed by Justice (the spirit) but they didn’t really explain why he was compelled to do the very things that would confirm the templar’s fear of the mages? Being a mage himself and actually being able to see both side of things should have kept him from being a idiot and

Kind of fitting somewhat that the next mass effect trilogy have a flawed but great introduction game (well assuming that the first 10 hours is any indication of the rest of the game).

Once again Gamergate is trying to show off just how irrelevant they are to the actual gaming medium. If they actually care about ethic in journalism (or a recent one one of them told me is forced inclusiveness) then they would empl0y far better measures then stirring up a giant harassment campaign against people

oh my god I love that witcher 3 gif with gtaV.

I hated the ending of mass effect 3 but honestly the trilogy is probably still one of my favorite scifii series ever. I’m replaying it in anticpation for ME:A but I do want to say something about the people that says a AAA game in 2017 has ps2 graphic: You need to go back and play a ps2 games. Most of them looked god

You’re right. I keep forgetting that they have to account for player creations in a game about making your own personal characters lol.

I can’t find a official source on it for now but I’m certain I read about it in the steam forum at one point explaining why one of the ending was so short compared to the saving arcadia bay one so it may have been just episode 5 that they had to rush.

While Uncharted 4 is amazing in the technical production. As other mentioned it would be far more expensive to do it the way ND does so probably a better comparison would be witcher 3. They apparently had the help of a algorithm then hand tweaking the scene afterward. Idk if that’s what bioware did but it seems like a

Isn’t the reason why people give such backlash to Bioware about the facial animation is because of witcher 3 doing it far better and because much of their games focus on dialogue as well as combat? Sure people are critical of them more since mass effect 3 (I’m personally hyped for Andromeda) but It seems reasonable to

I would argue life is strange also did the consequences of choices far better in episode 1-3 before they decided to cut it short (they admitted they ran out of funds for 4 and 5 so it wasn’t as developed story wise) and just kind of the drop the ball on everything except making me more depressed about everything.

I don’t really care about them making a original ip but I would probably cry tears of joy if they actually invest in a new engine that will let them do what they want without horrible performances for the first few weeks.

Ah the budget cuts in the south where my high school felt the effects of and had to cut back on several classes when the school actually needed more. Oddly enough they cut back even more on math (I switched between 3 different math teachers in one year) instead of the elective classes like wood shops and (and the

Isn’t the reason they still make tanks is because it’s actually cheaper to keep building them over the long term rather then starting everything back up under war times? Just wondering if that counter argument is actually legit beside the loss of jobs.

It’s possible but depend if you play the few amount of games that are cpu demanding out there. Most games out there will make good use of a relatively modern cpu. Your cpu is still far better then what I have (fx-6300 at stock clock) so you’re still good if you’re on 1080p. You’ll notice more difference with a gpu and

I really liked rome 2 with the divde et impera mods that came out later. I currently have 300 hours in the game (my most ever spent on a game that isn’t on a ps2). The thing is that they really did allow for a larger mix of playstyles that weren’t captured all that well on atilla and to a lesser extent Warhammer. My

Speaking of Carthage and Rome 2.. Fuck those guys. They always crippled any multiplayer co-op campaign (and head to head too) whenever me or a friend attack the main capital. It would just result in a long loading screen before crashing to desktop. The only way around it was literally befriending them or starting way

I don’t know why but I’m one of those that can’t get motion sick from VR. I don’t know if it’s because I know it’s not real to a extent so my body doesn’t react as strongly or it’s something else.

This is why I never bought the game (I played the beta). I could already see that becoming a problem. Hell it’s a problem with any shooters that feature a boss fight. I hate bullet sponges to the point where it makes me wish that someone would advance scalable a.i programming to actually provide a challenge in games