
You don’t have to tell me twice on it making some people barfy. The non vr version of the games already give me vertigo just doing slight movements. It’s literally the only game series that can get me anywhere close to motion sickness.

I already figured the this first generation of hardware would be pretty expensive. My hope is that the second generation would be cheaper. That is assuming there will be a second gen of vr hardware. That’s why anyone who don’t have money to spend will be smart waiting for vr to improve and get cheaper.

this always come up whenever someone mentions that they play on pc with controller. People majority of the time in mp games just suck anyway (including me) so it’s not really a big disadvantage realistically speaking unless you’re playing against people who are actually good at the game. The only real exception is a

Didn’t they also have a huge amount of refunds coming from the pc versions and a large amount of negative reviews on the store page deterring buyers? It was bad enough that they actually stopped selling the game for a few months, so I don’t think they learned the lesson you’re speaking of.

I’m happy that I can turn off bloom and lens flare. Fuck both of those effects. Actually with hdr coming around to games as a feature; will bloom become less of a thing since you can actually show a bright area without faking it?

Careful saying that or you’re going to get people calling you a liar because you prefer using a controller on a shooter on pc and actually being good at it. People think aim assist is the reason why controller can do good but as this article has stated: It’s absolutely terrible in most games if you have any ability at

While I don’t really know the actual effect of violent media on kids (sure didn’t do much to me). I am kind of worried about the state of people’s mind in the US (as a person living there). Something (or more likely multiple causes) is causing people to go batshit insane and murder other people for ridiculous reasons.

I hope for a separate release as well since I have absolutely no interest in infinite warfare. I really don’t care to pay that much to play only 1 game. Hopefully they have a bit of sense in them.

As a former Christian, I think about what you said in your last paragraph pretty often. It’s actually fairly recent (over a year ago) that I choose to officially depart from the faith I grew up with. It scared me but It’s also finally allowing me to question everything that I grew up believing in

Looks like the parkour might be a bit improved. I was honestly surprised aiden couldn’t really even jump in the first game which made me die a couple times trying to tranverse a gap only a few inch apart..

I highly doubt this cinematic trailer would be representative of the final game. I’ll be happy if I’m wrong.

What’s funny about it was that the shooting was actually very well done. It just didn’t fit the game that well in term of concept (hello magical trench coat). At the most a system like max payne 3 (they even have bullet time somewhat) would have worked better.

Welp this comment wins for this article.

another idea: instead of taking out guns maybe reduce to a simple pistol. They obviously want to go for a more grounded approach then gta (outside of the hacking) so it was pretty jarring to carry around machine guns and grenade launcher while calling myself a vigilante especially in Chicago of all places. This might

I hope so as well. That was one of the most bland protagonist I played in a game..

yeah I was kind of like “what?” when I saw that. I heard nothing about a skyrim remaster. Granted I haven’t kept up with any sort of gaming new for a good while (yay social life!) so I may have missed something.

Pretty much the second one. You can get a pretty decent laptop for the price of a decent desktop now if you actually look beyond alienware. It’ll just be a lot less powerful then what you’d get for a desktop at the same price.

Thank you! People keeps thinking that it’s gonna be yearly or bi annual hardware release while failing to realize that this comes out supposedly in 2017 which is still a good bit of time from the ps4, xbox one’s release.. If the model you outlined is followed then we all will still have a good bit of support at least

I just bought a ps4 (for uncharted 4) but I’m also assuming that both companies aren’t going to be idiots and drop support for the current consoles at least for another couple years (starting after 2017 obviously) to reflect the average console lifespan (5-6 years). I expect to get a good bit of use out of my ps4 by

This, I’ve picked the vive if I ever buy a vr headset (which wont be anytime soon) because it’s just more flexible in term of the games I could play on and it ships with the motion controller already so pretty much everything I need (except games and powerful computer) would be included in the first purchase.