
Great for people who are interested in Forge. Not so great for people who just wanted to play halo again on pc.. I’d be happy with just MCC..

Regarding the modern warfare remaster. I only just want it because last time I played it on the ps3 and pc. the servers were filled with cheaters. A new version would solve that problem.

I got one a few months ago. I still don’t regret it with even with the announcement. It just means that I’ll get one of those or a newer card cheaper when I feel like the 970 doesn’t hold up so well.

The only reason I have any hate is that I’d have to pay $80 just to play cod4 remastered.. I just want that but no they refuse to offer that separately (for now). I don’t really care about the new game so I don’t want to spend money on something I don’t care about.

lol no. It’s definitely not as accurate as mouse and keyboard. I don’t think I’d want to play a rts with a wii remote even if there was enough buttons somehow to reasonably assign unit commands.

no Eragon?

This usually happens to me with rpgs. I completely forget what I was doing previously if I jump back into a game months later. Unfortunately these games usually don’t keep much details on the quests journals so sometimes it’s hard to pick up where I left off. I also usually forget how leveling works so it’s easy for

Everything you wrote here is the reason why I think the education system here (in the US) needs to have a reform. Far too much focus on testing and getting into college instead of teaching actual critical thinking skills with practical applications and expanding their minds . I had a lot of people tells me that that’s

You have to realize they usually enable a good deal of antialiasing on those benchmarks. Most people turn down AA while gaming at 4k because at that resolution, not much is needed.

I played recently (for the first time) and yes, it was required for many of those jumps so this quote kind of struck me as odd unless there’s some data that says the majority of the players didn’t make it to the middle half of the game.

So it has become clear to me that you’re pretty much ignoring what I’m saying. I don’t think we need to continue this conversation..

Well then don’t be cheap on gaming as a hobby if you want to have the latest games and hardware. It’s like that with anything related to technology. If you really can’t afford to be caught up on the latest and greatest then wait for a price drop and be content with what you got in the meantime. I look at it like this:

This is the same for me. I haven’t even booted witcher 3 back up (it has been quite a few months) because I want more of a linear game. I mean I like open world games but I honestly think it’s too easy to burn out on playing them. I recently played rise of the tomb raider which was a refreshing change of pace.

To be fair in the first one she had the same problem as Drake. She mows downs countless enemies without batting a eye after that very first one even going so far as to enjoy doing it. She went from “oh god, I killed a person” to “I’m coming for every last one of you!”. It was honestly a bit jarring.

This was my thought as well. All I had a few years ago was a tippmann 98 custom. I honestly thought the writer was wrong and this video was actually showing an airsoft game instead.

as a former “Nice” guy, I can fully agree with this statement. Luckily I realized (mostly from Dr. Nerdlove) that it’s a really shitty way of pursuing relationships. I wish I realized it way earlier since I ruined a couple of great friendships that could been fine had I been clear about my intention instead of trying

Then maybe they don’t really have the money to upgrade to the latest and greatest anyway? I never got this argument since people in that situation would wait anyway for a price drop (in a 5-8 years cycle) and play the previous consoles until then. I know several of them that do that. They’re just now getting ps4 and

I actually agree with you for once on here. That thing looks exactly like the ice scooper I use at work (I work in fast food...)

Thanks for posting this. This was the exact thing I thought of. I'm curious how this would work out for Sony and MS.

I believe a hardware upgrade will show up this gen considering how games are already pushing the current hardware to the point where it seems to be difficult to hit certain targets. But i’m dubious of the 4k gaming part. You need some pretty high end parts for 4k on pc so I don’t really trust that sony would be