Excitable Boyo


I have seen this movie at least 20 times and still don't get it.

I still believe it was to teach Daniel a career like waxing cars or painting? We all knew he wasn't going to college and needed a trade.

I cannot thank you enough for giving me the chance to google Dihydrogen monoxide. That was pleasant.

Everybody here in Portland nods in approval, but only after several years of talking about Oden in therapy. Portland is legit this year.

German Sheppard/Blue Heeler/Collie is what I see.

Don't wees the juice!

Don't wees the juice!


I thought for sure they were going to kill Bear.

That LoA GIF is epic.

Die Hard. Best Christmas movie ever.

I had assumed he was injecting himself with more of the serum that they used to make him have "feelings" restore his soul.

Cornholio approves.

The biggest travesty in superhero movies goes, sex scene in the OWL from The Watchmen then Batman nipples then Wolverine.

Wait now. Bana's Hulk is multitudes worse than the Wolverine movies.

Here it is. No it's not much like X-Force, not as violent. It may look different because the original 5 X-Men where brought from the past to the present. It's the young Scott Summer.

It's an existing series. All New X-Men is at issue 17 and I think they are introducing her in issue 19 or 20.

X-23 is coming back to print in All New X-Men in the next month or two.

It definitely invokes thoughts of Car RamRod.