
I’m still hoping for iPhone 6-

I think Snakes on a Plane is a great movie. It delivered on it’s name and premise.

I really need some money so I can buy one of those remote controlled BB-8s.

I thought the most important location was the hole in my heart filled by BB-8...

Which is more than a little ironic insofar as that’s an actual tradition going back a century, not a “tradition” being invented out of whole cloth by people arrogant enough to believe they can change the culture for a couple of games that aren’t even for a championship.

That is so incredibly head-up-the-ass from ESPN I don’t know where to start. There’s already a day that people think of as college football day, namely “I’m glad we made a New Year’s Day bowl this year, it was a good season.”

The other problem with making NYE a sports day for any sport is that it’s not a day off the

I want a phone that can take AA batteries, I’d totally sacrifice my phone being a bit thicker to be able to replace batteries on the fly, with 3 eneloops it’d have a higher capacity than most current smartphone batteries.

Why do all of these new phones have displays over 5”? That’s just insane.

“.....and then she takes a shit in a glass. Get this! They both then start eating the shit!”

“I made an account on AM once when I was covering online dating stuff for gizmodo”

Nice alibi, Sam Biddle

“plans for a smaller, 4-inch iPhone in a nostalgic nod back to the much missed iPhone 4 form factor”

Hammond is doing some weird stuff for the new Amazon Top Gear. Is that Clarkson behind him?

That it’s not all glamor. Doing direct-to-video everyday, all day, is just tiring. And viagra and meth have bad side effects.

Teachers are trained professionals and no our summer is not “free time” there is curriculum development, lesson planning, conferences and other such professional development responsibilities.

As a former tech support person, and current web/computer developer, instead of “innocent until proven guilty”, it’s “dumb until proven competent”. You always have to assume the lowest common denominator until they show they actually know what they’re talking about and you can say “Go to services.msc” instead of

I work in customer support for a software company. I wish people would understand that I’m really here to help you, I’m not going to blame you for your mistakes, so when I ask you if anything changed with your system, just admit it. I don’t care why you deleted your database and I’m not going to rat you out to your

Which is a pity, because I feel like I could watch Geena Davis kick bad guys around all day.

One of the best (if a bit terse) pieces of advice an old boss/mentor gave me was “Don’t be in charge, just lead”.

Tonight.... James wears a hat.