
Borderlands is wonderful but it's not the "only" Sci Fi bookstore in the Bay Area. The AMAZING Dark Carnival bookstore on Claremont Ave in Berkeley is, in my opinion, somewhat better.

What memories this brings back! When I was very young I lived in Asmara (early 60's) as my father (who was in the US Navy) was stationed in both Asmara and Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. I remember that there were a lot of Italian families still resident and we used to go to huge house parties with them. I also attended an

Tigerman and The Gone Away World: Nick Harkaway

Ok i gotta ask...Which deadpool comic is this?

There was a recent interview on KQED Radio's Forum (NPR); a discussion with economists about the recent jobs numbers. The discussion moved to a discussion on the inequality of pay in the US and on the massive and growing disparity between the rich and the working class/poor. The economists all said that they

is that Doc Yewls dad?

Somebody needs to get Charles Stross on the horn...this is straight out of the "Laundry" - Mo's bone violin.

Where: The Planet of the Apes

The Fifth Element - truly one of the classics. Also the current Edge of Tomorrow deserves more than its getting. Despite or perhaps because of Mr Cruise - its quite good. excellent.

Sad. I liked the show and the characters. didn't realize it was shown out of order. how silly is that. What the Hell Fox....

lone pine california!!

Zond! Zond! Zond!

The best episode was the one with the revival tent and "pastor elvis" -he was great and Rust's comments regarding the congregation were outstanding.

thank you! exactly - why is everyone assuming its a vision? Why?

YES! I was totally thinking the same thing - I figured that Maggie and the girls were the cult assassins ....that would almost have been ...uh...cool ? ok creepy, but it would have been quite the twist.

That's kind of what I thought - but it was notable hole since they made such a point of 'no cell phone service' . Would have been nice to be a bit more ...firm on that.

Ok - How did the cops know to get to the decrepit Tuttle mansion? our two heroes had no cell phone service and there appeared to be no land line and it didn't look as though Marty ever left Rust - so.....how did Papania and Gilbough know to send in the cavalry?


Liquid Sky...early 80's. WTF

The Fifth Element is one of the greatest, most entertaining movies ever made. It certainly has a lot of quotable lines...."big Badda Boom".."Leeloo Dallas mul-ti-pass. Mul-ti-pass." "Anyone else want to negotiate?" "If they don't chase you after a mile, they don't chase ya"