
Of course they are happy. They are in CANADA.

Aww. Buggers! As so many have said... First site to check in the morning, last one at night. So many cool things here. Thanks for creating it. Good luck going forward and don’t let Charlie Jane leave!

Just finished listening to Crooked on Audible. Excellent. No matter what you may have heard about Nixon, he was a screaming liberal compared to the current crop of Republicans. He created the EPA, got us out of Viet Nam, opened China and Roe v.wade happened during his admin. Ok so he was a paranoid guy. Even without

Vega has really cute jackets. I want them. Other than that the show is “meh”.

Hey I loved the writing and the recipe and did everything. So.... The thing is that my calamari, although crispy and golden, tasted a bit... um... floury? I used cornstarch. and it was very dry. I used Olive oil. I used about 2 inches and it was 375. Maybe that was it? I know you posted this a while ago but any

Got to meet Charlie Jane Anders tonight!!! Wow!!!

Fremont California. We have the district of Niles... Where Charlie Chaplin filmed 100 years ago...lots of history there! The early film industry in Cali! For modern stuff we have the Tesla plant. That's pretty darn awesome. Can’t swing a cat without hitting one of those.

Ok I read this series over and over and over again and it meant a lot to me. Was sad when Lloyd Alexander passed a few years back. It was a bit of a rip off of Welsh Mythology, but who cares, it was broken down into a format and a series of stories that a 11 year old could inhale.

Also this one.....’it was a dark and stormy night’....

YES! a thousand times. yes...

these were brilliant ....on a pale horse was my favorite though......

reading the Bone Clocks (no spoilers please) and listening to The Three Body Problem. also just finished my second read of The Line of Polity by Neal Asher and prior to that read Dark Intelligence by Mr Asher. yes I read a lot

Dude that's so harsh! I watch it just for Penguin and his hair. His hair has been getting weirder and weirder...I love it. Jim Gordon isn't bad and Sam Pertwee is fun. Suggest you drink more when watching the show - it helps make it funnier or weirder or whatever. its definitely out there somewhere. but fun.

damn thats a shame. If true, then the only decent bookstore left in the Bay Area will be Dark Carnival in Berkeley. I hope it can hang on. if you live in the Bay Area, go there. Claremont Ave, just up from College ave and right next to a SemiFreddis and a comic book store. the most amazoling store. I always spend as

Definitely on Treasure Island ! The PYM building location looks to be in the same spot as a one of the few remaining major buildings from the Treasure Island Worlds Fair in 1939. Bit of trivia, that particular building was used as a set piece for the original Raiders of the Lost Ark - it was the Dirigible station. It

dude, it's the CW, not PBS

Strongly disagree. I actually liked this episode more than the previous days "crossover" - it had clever commentary between "team Arrow" and "team Flash" - it was cute and funny.

I just ordered it as well using the Amazon discount. Hope it's as good as advertised!

NO it did not close! it's still there , just drove by last week. BEST BOOKSTORE EVER!!!!

Borderlands is wonderful, but it is not the "only Sci Fi" book store in the Bay Area. There is the AMAZING Dark Carnival Bookstore on Claremont Ave in Berkeley which is, in my opinion, superior.