Vulcan Has No Moon

I’ve tried several times to express my frustration and my grief in a comment to this story. I am aghast. I can’t imagine the lack of empathy and sheer meanness it takes to publicly shame a human being so tired that he falls asleep in a public place. We don’t need to know his story, we don’t need to delve into his

They are F-ing everywhere. The Mods on my archeology group have to do daily reminders of the guidelines. You know what I got instead of Birthday wishes from my Mom today? A pro-trump chain email. Jesus wept. 

There is -nothing- on Earth that will get white folks with a little power and ego enraged faster then telling them to mind. their. business, second only to not falling on one’s face and begging for forgiveness when said white person doesn’t feel as if he or she is being groveled to enough. The moment their power is

Plus she would have to prove she’s not at fault. She has a high bar to clear. She published the picture generating an adverse reaction. Several publications that wrote about the incident and the response from the public before her book publisher could respond. “Ignorance” does not play well in court. It will be hard

Funny that your pinned tweet is about being a “minority” writer and using that as a basis to sell your book yet you saw another minority person eating and you wanted to ruin their livelihood. You’re a trash individual.”

ITS not just admitting they were wrong. She can and probably has done that already. To white people. But her (and basically a large majority of white folks in this country) have a extremely difficult time admitting failure to black people. Shes a racist. She feels she’s too above us to admit she made a mistake. (To

She should be in jail and all her cases should be reviewed. I’m happy that she is facing some consequences though.

The thing’s a little hard to categorize, but it’s somewhere along the e-bike/seated scooter spectrum

This kind of shit is why I don’t fuck with Airbnb in the first place. But the blatant racism not withstanding, this bullshit company is basically a bunch of crooks who 1. fuck up the real estate market in places like NYC 2. are trying to be hotels without taking on actual hotel expenses like having liability insurance

Right up there with the sex on the beach people. I don’t get people who think sand in your most personal areas is a turn on.

Anyone who pees when they laugh after being pregnant should look into pelvic floor physiotherapy. We take it for granted that people will have lasting muscle damage, incontinence, and possibly more serious problems like prolapsed organs, after pregnancy and birth, but physiotherapy can help a lot.

Why are people getting so up in arms about Cardi B having plastic surgery post baby? I figured most of the entertainment industry does once the child is born since so many have no visible signs of having grown another human inside their body. Meanwhile I lost weight and my stomach looks like sad play do.  Surgery had

Quite frankly, I am sick and tired of babies being automatically associated with women. It’s bad enough our careers suffer because we’re the primary care givers when kids get sick.

I mean, there’s one other problem with bringing men into the picture more: it will undermine our society’s message that womanhood and motherhood are synonymous, and that women are only as important as their ability to make babies.

I’m with you, Tracy; I am just not feeling generous enough right now to have any sort of empathy with these guys, especially as I know Planned Parenthood has upon its walls a good variety of different couples and families pictured. (But I have not been to a specifically baby clinic, so maybe they’re different.)

A rubber stamp denying the Klan protest would’ve only cost you $5

And now Dayton is cleaning up after multiple tornadoes after having had to waste all that money because inadequate white men can’t stop playing the victim.

Stop! You’re giving away Harley-Davidson’s marketing secrets!

It’s weird to realize that Mount Everest is now basically a fantasy camp so your 60-year-old orthodontist can have a great Instagram photo.

I work in veterinary medicine and we have to take a yearly course on how to identify and treat burnout in ourselves and also how to recognize it in our coworkers. It’s been helpful and vital to me and I think pretty much any field could use the same requirement.