Vulcan Has No Moon

Yes, contact UK authorities. Traveling to fuck children in poor countries is a real thing.

I’m a long-term expat in Japan in my 30s that teaches tiny children. Last summer, I visited the UK, met a ton of cool people, musicians, etc. and clicked with some interesting people. This included a guy I met via a dating site. Fooled around once, but there wasn’t much to it he was friendly though, and took me

I met a super geeky, super shy, super HOT dude when I was 18. We hooked up after a beach party, but after we’d boned he started CRYING. Turns out, he was also super RELIGIOUS. I wasn’t just the first girl he’d had sex with, I was the first girl he kissed. We saw each other off and on all summer, thankfully with no

My roommate and I started sleeping together. DON’T. I blame National Tequila Day.

Yes! I have a whole section on this in my dissertation! Its fascinating and also disgusting. A lot of time the bathing suits would still be wet from the previous wearer.

But I thought that regulations are bad, that we should have fewer regulations and with fewer enforcement powers!

...I know you are trying to be cute, but something deep within me needs you to know that knitters and quilters are very different people and not equate them. 

I used to try to give advice to incels on Reddit. In this case, these were guys who were seeking advice on an anti-incel forum, so they had a genuine desire to improve their lives.

It would be remiss not to note the role the current regime in the United States has had in fostering incel culture. Gamergate was a watershed moment in mobilizing online misogyny. Some of the key people fanning the flames of online anger associated with that event include Steve Bannon and Milo Yiannopoulos. They

I have a male friend I would categorize as “incel-like.” He’s certainly never expressed any violent thoughts but is filled with resentment over the women who are not interested in him. He’s in his early 60s, does not take care of either his health or his appearance, and can be extremely condescending. He believes the

They invented new kinds of ugly just to clear the path for these things to come through.

Go off carbs, go off anything but meat, cut meat out entirely, live off the morning dew that accumulates on leaves of grass. All while maintaining a resting heart rate which is impossibly low or impossibly high. Then go run, walk, ride twenty miles while staying hydrated. But only drink water. Not that kind of water!

Some of my “mainstream” grocery stores (Von’s? Ralph’s? Can’t remember) sell their chickens in these bags already. I had no idea that WF, of all places, still used the wasteful clamshells. 

What this research actually seems to be saying is that if you leave your child with a crappy babysitter who restrains them in a car seat for hours instead of actually caring for them, then there’s an increased risk they might die. Letting your baby sleep in their car seat next to you in a restaurant is not going to

Ever been to the movies before? Twas ever thus. The boys always win. Always. Even in Thelma and Louise, they couldn’t let the women win.

So I’m getting the story from the internet and I’ll read the last book if it ever comes out. I knew last night that that potato killed Dany. But today, I’m pissed. Fuck all those boys. All of em. All the amazing women in this show just crushed for the boy stories. Arya for life, always and always. But the Sand Snakes

So much white tears.

Meanwhile, Reality Winner is rotting in jail for exposing Russian interference in US elections.

Because it’s a common phenomenon: people who think that people in the service sector are “below them”. They are often polite to people they deem are on the same social level and are prone to sucking up to those they think are “above them”. Very unpleasant people, stay away from them

The power dynamic - how s/he treats people who don’t have the power to tell him/her to fuck off.