Dogs with lead poisoning? Now Snyder will have to resign.
Dogs with lead poisoning? Now Snyder will have to resign.
Let’s play Clue, shall we?
Fun fact: Abortion is 100% illegal in El Salvador. Not even for the health of the mother or the baby or in the case of rape and incest.
The music industry is the WORST. Not just for women but for young men too. I know at least two aspiring male rappers/rnb artists that have either been coerced into sex with a male in a position of power in the industry or were told they’d have to get on their knees or bend over to get a deal. Lil Wayne isn’t the…
This week, Judge Brent Knazan pointed out that the prosecutors failed to prove that Elliott “knew he was harassing the women, and that they were reasonably fearful from that harassment.”
The thing I liked best about this issue was what was happening behind the dialogue between Bruce and the Joker. It was sort of “Hills Like White Elephants.” The Joker seemed to acknowledge the bond between himself and Batman in a roundabout way and seemed to be begging Bruce not to become Batman again and once more…
Most people don’t even realize women have been blatantly denied nobel prizes for their work discovering the double helix and nuclear fission. Men think they invented everything but 3 of the most important discoveries that apply to this century, DNA structure, nuclear fission, and computer software, were all discovered…
She sounds like she’s making a pretty solid argument for veterans to be denied access to guns.
i grew up in a heavily religious atmosphere, and i have wonderful memories of being taught to hate and fear others that were not the same flavor or religion i was practicing.
And here I am at the age where I don’t think I could stand having someone else in my house...
the assistant principal went to Park’s residence and demanded that Park turn over the two victims’ passports
That's one badass assistant principal.
Oh, I’ll go you one better on that one. Those fundies tell young women they’re lucky to be victims, that it’s God giving them something to triumph over.
This is too sudden to feel authentic. It feels like when a hotel throws in a too-ripe fruit basket and some stale chocolates because a worker barged into your hotel room accidentally at 5 am and saw you naked(true story). It’s too little, too late. Even many liberal Japanese people believe that this is all a made-up…
My wife and I went to a brew festival in Portland a few years back, and as she was walking back to our table after using the toilet, she was shaking her hands to dry them off. She had washed them, but they ran out of towels. Well, her ring decides it wants to be free, probably because she was REALLY shaking her hands…
As a food scientist, I can tell you that sex is extremely important in food preparation. It’s not a matter of gender; it’s entirely biological. A few science facts:
This is just bad business on the part of the dealership owner and management.