If daddy cared so much about Jayme, he wouldn’t have made it all about him and forced the girl’s family to take a letter written by him.
If daddy cared so much about Jayme, he wouldn’t have made it all about him and forced the girl’s family to take a letter written by him.
The Cleveland police did it by the book that was written by and for males.
probably whoever was in charge with paying the bill wanted Brooke’s phone number and didn’t get it. likely the rest of party has no idea what the bitter dick did.
they wrote “fuck you” on the bill so Im going to guess they tried to pick her up and got shot down.
abolish ICE
Bernie is too busy marching with MLK to talk about this.
I wonder if R Kelly bought them off.
only a white guy could get this bs funded. anyone else with these “credentials” would not have even got a toe across the threshold.
i think a guy who sends unsolicited dick pics probably dosen’t care what audience sees them, i mean he’s already passing them out to strangers!
Can you leave him? I think he might appreciate and respect you more if he had to live the single life for awhile. Or maybe forever.
Unfortunately all the dick pics I’ve gotten were from the dick owners....so not sexy or impressively sized.
“social experiment”? Is that what we’re calling cat-fishing now?
R Kelly is shite stain & scum bag but nope this one is on the charter plane company and the pilot.
Republican critics have claimed Elizabeth Warren was “pocahontas” more than she has claimed she was Native American. She said that her family claimed they had a native american ancestor although it may have been just legend rather than fact. This is as about a real “controversy” as Hillary’s emails.
So basically he’s not even pretending to be “one of the good ones” anymore.
They voted for Trump & his policies so I guess they’ll just have to reap what they sow....which is piles of rotting unwanted soybeans & pork.
I thought we weren’t paying attention to “Ye” anymore.
If your insurance denies your claim, you (still) have the right to demand an internal appeal & if that is denied an external appeal.
sell the crap you dont want on ebay and buy yourself something nice