Vulcan Has No Moon

Never forget the same mouth-breathing idiot “pro lifers” who declare in one breath that using embryos for stem cell research is the same as “murdering a baby” will then say in another breath that babies conceived thru IVF are “monsters without souls” and “not really human”.

shit you don’t even have to do that. just pull them out let them thaw out and “spoil” and then re-freeze them. 

I think he’s broke and anyone with half a brain would avoid this guy like he’s typhoid mary of gold diggers. 

Trump will nuke us all before he goes to prison. 

This follows initial difficulty conceiving, a miscarriage last year, and what Papoose described as a “tough labor” last weekend, which Remy reportedly endured naturally.

Socks or slippers. 

So does anyone know why the children are risking jail to steal food?  Anyone? Anyone at all? Because I would hope someone in the school would actually care about that?

stop replying and ungraying the trolls

4:51  “GOLF does not support the use of nicotine” ....while a model pulls out a cigarette.

She’s actually one of my nicer cousins. This is the only thing she’s weird and selfish and tacky about. She gets a fresh batch of victims every year with fresh baked cookies.

I actually understand why Kate had to keep the kids in the spotlight: jon was useless and unemployed and 8 kids (especially when 6 of them had spent time in NICU) are really expensive.  Same deal with OutDaughtered. Multiple births are expensive and there are big medical bills to pay off even if you have good health

If she never wanted the attention, then why is she still giving interviews?

the puppy stomping wins (loses) this

The cousin & her cronies had a system to palm the shit (metaphorical) onto other people and scoop up a load of nice stuff up.

Was it that Entertainment book? Because I got one too at some sort of gift exchange....and the useful coupons had been pulled out!

My cousin ran one of these scams every Christmas. Basically she’d get people to bring nice gifts and then she and her cronies would palm off total crap (worse than a wooden puzzle) off onto the suckers while they got a bunch of really nice things. I went exactly once.

I used to work in a psychology department at a university and back in the day, the head of school used to give nearly everyone in the department a fresh goose for xmas dinner. Why did he have so many geese? He purposely selected geese for his animal studies so he could gift their carcasses when the study was over.

Ladies, these dented cans are not your responsibility. Don’t think “nice” is a shield that will protect you from toxic people. “Nice” will not save you. Run the fuck away like your ass is on fire and your hair is about to catch!

Miles’ grandma is kinda evil and bigoted.....that’s all I got.

The police report he admitted it. These are the same police that reported his father was brandishing a gun.