alternate headline: “Jennifer Aniston Pretended To Be A Ghost To Get Rid Of Her Roommate”
alternate headline: “Jennifer Aniston Pretended To Be A Ghost To Get Rid Of Her Roommate”
such wonderful dancing. in heels yet!
In short:
hey, a win is a win.
he’s a drunk and a narcissist.
shitty blonde comb-over
When? About the same time cops stop committing domestic violence.
I think all we know now why they love Trump.
Tucker Carlson and Faux News have turned on Trump means its the end of the road.
I expected him to get off. I really had no faith in Charlottesville’s courts to deliver justice.
Let me explain it to you in one word: Bribery
Not surprising. Dogs are more trustworthy. They’re not the ones murdering us.
I’d want both. But Mary’s handshake is the higher honor.
Police departments “embed” undercover cops at protest marches to incite trouble so that liberal protestors can be arrested & their cause dismissed by the media.
I lived in a what appeared to be a nice looking apartment in a complex at the top of a steep hill in Flagstaff, Arizona.
He’s a Republican. If he gave any shits about the welfare of other black people, he would not be a Republican.
My aunt adopted an african-american child during the same time in California. My mother went with her and (according to her) basically you could have rolled a shopping cart into the maternity ward and filled it up with “abandoned” black babies.
“light rust issues”
The blackmail the Russians & Trump have on the RNC must be spectacular!
Step #1: get rid of Republican presidents who put morons in charge of FEMA