Vulcan Has No Moon

In 2014, a South Carolina mother named Stephanie Greene, whose infant daughter died after taking a lethal dose of morphine through her breast milk, was convicted of homicide by child abuse, involuntary manslaughter and unlawful child neglect. She was sentenced to 20 years in prison.

Naw, these guys know they’re never gonna get laid & want to spoil everyone else’s fun too. 

Male Customers complain Bar is sausage fest.

USA Today is owned by the Gannett Corporation. Figure out who owns stock in their company and you’ll know why they’re running ads for FIFA. 

its a troll

I bet Schnatter is still making money of Papa John’s stock. 

As for the POLICE on the receipt? Fitzpatrick said that the restaurant regularly uses that method to help identify and serve customers.


White passing. 

1.) This is ScarJo’s passion project. I don’t think there would be a movie about Tex Gill if she hadn’t decided to push for it.

He’s a white male. I noticed that particular demographic can be has horrible and vocal as it likes on twitter. 

Well, the Catholic Church didn’t kick out any of the priests that abused living children’s bodies so I doubt they’ll kick out the priest that abused a dead woman’s body and family. 

Trump has already gotten what he wants: a ton of money and to be the star of reality tv show the entire world watches.

She’s a Bernie Bro tho....has she released her tax returns?  She wants to abolish ice and medicare for all but does she have any real ideas on how to get that? 

Youth-care workers were told to discourage children from speaking their indigenous Central American languages, he said, before the policy was reversed. And when the number of separated kids rose from a handful to more than 50 in the 300-person shelter, employees were given a “refresher” course in how to use physical

I wouldn’t wait for Mueller to save us. He’s a conservative Republican white male. I have a feeling he’ll be just like any other Republicans and put cleaning up & hiding his party’s dirty deeds ahead of justice or democracy. Most of our government is controlled by White Republican Males. I don’t think that particular

Having called the cops on white guys being shady, let me tell you something, they don’t do shit. No, seriously, the won’t do shit if you tell them its a white guy.

Because Portland needs more of these douchebags?