Vulcan Has No Moon

Your family is all around abusive assholes. There is nothing the least bit funny about this. And don’t be afraid to tell your friends, if they’re real friends they’ll be righteously pissed off on your behalf. And if they do laugh, they’re not friends at all.

This is not the least bit funny and what happened to you was some seriously abusive crap.

Yeah, this is abusive not funny.

I wonder what he’s guilty of? ( i mean the lawyer, i know what Harvey is guilty of)

The deportation order was dismissed.

Sorry, Susan G Komen, your CEO compensation is still too high and your programs don’t direct enough money toward research or low cost mamograms or treatment.

Its a long white halter dress.....I’m sure there are substitutes available.

Srsly, the girl should have realized she made a terrible stupid mistake the first day she walked up to Ben and said, “surprise I followed” you and withdrawn and got her tuition back.

I never got into this because I thought the stalking Ben thing was creepy AF. I didn’t buy them ever dating or becoming friends. Ben should have gone straight to the police and got a restraining order cuz jeez wtf girl you followed him to college over a yearbook signature?

Could be monogamy......could be oral sex and/or sexting. I’m thinking the old P in V is getting phased out since Planned Parenthood and Title X are likely to be gutted soon.

I can’t watch this show. I hate these phony douche bags. The whole “marriage” seems like a sham for ratings and the kid is just a prop on the LOOK I’M A RAGING NARCISSIST reality program.

Maybe he’s lying about the job interview to cover for his not being at home.

If you get a rescue dog, be prepared for timidity and separation anxiety and leash aggression. Maybe you and dad can volunteer at a humane society or for a rescue charity or become a foster parent before you adopt.

vaccinate your kids

no, they’re all minors. he doesn’t seem to date adults.

We should make all the hateful bigots put a sign up announcing what they are so we can avoid them in future.

When I worked retail I was disgusted by the crusty old change but since it was a homeless person handing it to me I had enough class to take the change without getting pissy over it because the customer had problems that were way more serious than mine which could be resolved with a wet wipe.

Honestly, I think the dude is lying about it being his wife.

I know you’re joking but no real athlete is going to risk breaking a foot doing that.