Vulcan Has No Moon

The very best people!

Also runs over pets crossing the street for funsies.

There’s a kid, it gets dragged out....daddy got to have his rights, dontcha know?

She probably was at work and couldn’t get the kid till afterwards and figured it might do Junior some good sit cooling his heels in the pokey for a few hours.

Its 3 wealthy white boys.....they’ll get an Affluenza sentence.

Why the hell do you think old white geezers are so hot to defund Planned Parenthood? They’re desperate to make white teens breed some more white people.


The only thing that study proved was that 41% of male GQ readers don’t tweet.

I don’t think this time was an accident.

The Brown family truly is a dumpster fire, yes?

My guess was a member of the Brown family.

There are probably some crime scene photes of Kim K when she was tied up and robbed in Paris......but I doubt Kanye has enough empathy to make the connection.

We know what’s up. Trump got played. He and, by extension, America look like fucking morons.

“Uppity” is a term I think Trump uses to describe underlings who don’t pander to his ego, kiss his orange behind, or dare voice an opinion that is contrary to his narrow world view. Since anyone who says “no” or “you can’t do that” to him is immediately shown the door, I think I’m right.

I think if he got uppity Trump and Kushner would fire him, but yeah, he should have undermined them....but would a person who works for the Department of Prisons be on the side of angels in any case?

He (presumbably ) can kill a man with his bare hands......I think he chose the high road here.

They’re identical only in that fact that they are both white. Wickstead did not invent the white wedding dress.

“Her dress is identical to one of our dresses,” said Wickstead.

Why isn’t he your EX boyfriend?

She probably staged this for attention.