Vulcan Has No Moon

This is probably because I’m from a pretty close-knit family, but I never understood people who just get up and leave town without notifying those who they *know* will worry about them.

People with severe depression suffer emotional numbness / inability to feel emotions. Its a defense mechanism against emotional pain.

Most of the bar/restaurant looked to be white....so I’m thinking it wouldn’t be Baby Huey they attacked.

Does Reverse Flash Dog chase his tail counter clockwise?

I think the competent people are there to hand Trump enough rope to hang himself.

Yes, but he was also probably recording in the whitehouse too. Which probably is breaking some kind of rule.

Thanks to govt censorship, the Chinese #MeToo movement had to change its tag to #米兔 or the emoji 🍚 🐰 ( that’s “rice bunny” pronounced “mi tu” in Chinese) because the menfolk over there don’t like uppity women any more then American men do.

If they go, I assume we’ll be offering asylum to 40% of SC that isn’t white Republican.

It wasn’t unusual to see one of the movie stars stalking around Santa Fe wearing what he probably imagined was local garb: an absurdly fringed leather jacket, a precarious 10-gallon hat, gleaming boots looking like six months of someone’s salary.

Well, the US government didn’t collapse completely when George W Bush ran things and he gutted funding to everything and put useless cronies like Michael D Brown in charge of stuff like FEMA. The Dems under Trump are a lot feistier and so is the ACLU. Obama had to spend 8 years putting back together and cleaning up

I wonder if they’ll go after the white mega church pastors like Joel “i’d love to help but my basement is totally flooded man” Osteen.

Dude, what’s wrong with you? You still got hands!

According to Dolly Parton, there is no such thing as a natural beauty.

We srsly need to put people who can handle kids in charge of handling kids at school. The nimrods who think arresting a child over a carton of milk need to never be around kids again.