There’s also death by heat exhaustion and dehydration. People cook to death and/or their blood congeals in their veins.
There’s also death by heat exhaustion and dehydration. People cook to death and/or their blood congeals in their veins.
Thank you for another story. I hope Sparks family finds some living kin to connect with.
I assume there is no such thing as “off the record” to a journalist. Its always on the record with them.
When I was a kid we called these “carpools” sometimes also known as “vanpools”. Way to go, silicon valley, inventing that thing that already exists!
I think that feet smell is the stench of smug and always right.
His grandpa pressured him into it. I didn’t think Charlie himself wanted to do it...but grandpa took a swig and gramps is also the one that wanted him to steal the everlasting gobstopper. Gramps was bitter about losing his job at the Wonka factory.
I’m thankful I knew that always. Loathed that little shit from the first moment he walked onscreen.
Wait......are there people who didn’t think this was a horror story for pre-schoolers? I actually had no idea this was supposed to be a “fun” story and not like a modernized Grimm’s fairy tale warning children about the dangers of opening the door to strangers.
I don’t believe in conspiracy theories only because I know I am too unimportant to conspire against.
Flashback Thursday
Crisis Pregnancy Centers are shady AF because they pretend to be trained medical staff and lie about women’s health and are more or less in it to punish women for having sex with a sideline in selling white babies to rich “Christians”.
They’re shady AF because they pretend to be trained medical staff and lie about women’s health and are more or less in it to punish women for having sex with a sideline in selling white babies to rich “Christians”.
Feinstein perhaps knows something about who Haspel will be interrogating in future.
African American gentlemen you are also at high risk for prostate cancer. Get yourself checked out early. If your PSA (prostate specific antigen) is above 3 ng/ml you need more intensive cancer screening. For white men it’s a level of ≥ 4 ng/ml.
I hope they give him a burial at flushing his ashes down the toilet.
So now that he’s threatened the profit margins of America’s donor class, how long do you think it will be till Trump is impeached?
Speaking of Gawker, I’m surprised they weren’t able to raise enough money to buy the archive back.
Yeah, so what as long as it tastes good.
Ortega was mentally ill and over worked and underpaid. That does not justify murdering those kids. The Krims cheaped out on childcare (like most Americans do) and were very very unlucky. Should Ortega get off? No. She needs to be locked up in a mental institution for the rest of her life.