I have very little interest in any conservatives of any age, period. There’s nothing left to debate.
I have very little interest in any conservatives of any age, period. There’s nothing left to debate.
Thank you again, Professor Gates. Tracing your roots is always fascinating.
I hope there’s a role for her in some other Marvel film.
If they were kicked out of SA, they’d probably end up in America because Trump loves “Norwegians”. This country doesn’t need anymore goddamn racists. Being a disenfranchised & marginalized land-less minority in South Africa is justice.
“This is as stressful than guarding the nuclear football...... Who am I kidding....this is the nuclear football.”
Short Answer: They’re racist nazis.
Yes, because it has a bathroom and a kitchen and a tv.
Mass Start Speed Skating = Polite Roller Derby On Ice
And yet I’d bet you aren’t athletic enough to do any of them including curling.
Female siblings are more likely to stick together and help each other and their children out. Having a dependable support network means you have a greater chance of surviving a disaster or even old age or major illness or abuse.
They’re $240 for both the mens and womens. Too pricey for me but your feet should be comfortable.
A few Americans are decent....then there are the 10s of millions assholes that voted for Trump. 62 million people is a huge chunk of the population.
No thanks, I think I’ll pass this year.
Never forget that Shirley Temple movies were called “baby burlesques”.
You can dismiss this person, ya know. Click on the 3 dots on the right hand side of the comment.
I’d like to point out the police weren’t the least bit suspicious when Nassar went from saying “I never touched those girls” to “It was a legit medical procedure”.
The Russians allegedly fucked up again just last year.
or, you know, don’t use strava at all
According to ABC News, the first-grader was escorted out of a Miami-Dade police cruiser’s backseat while wearing handcuffs as his mother videotaped the incident and tried to comfort him while a uniformed officer took the child into the Miami Children’s Hospital for a non-voluntary psychiatric evaluation.
Lindsey Graham has the brains to know the FBI was a staunch Republican ally in the past that supported Trump during the 2016 election and that making enemies of them is not wise.