Vulcan Has No Moon

Bush was and is an evil greedy idiot tool of the oil companies that hired smart people to fuck over both America & Iraq & Afghanistan. Trump is “allegedly” an evil greedy idiot tool of the Russians, the oil companies, coal industry, and anyone GOP donor that donated to his campaign that hired his equally idiot

Why would the people at a job interview or at work need to know who you’re dating?

Oh, another Bernie Bro trying to excuse their putting Donald “19 known pussy grabbing victims” Trump into the whitehouse. Yawn.

probably they looked at this said, “yep dude is fucking nuts” and decided that the cops can handle this shiz.

Now playing

So did anyone else look at the shorts and go....

I’m not a good person. I don’t wish rape on Larry Nassar (or any other abusers/rapists) .....but I don’t give a shit if it happens to him either. I still believe that Non-violent offenders should be protected from violent offenders.

I am one of the poors and I share my membership with other family members. When you spread it out over multiple households its not that much for cheap gas and bulk “necessities” like TP or feminine hygiene products.

Where are all the #BlueLivesMatter peeps?

Correction: He’s not wildly contradicting himself.....he’s lying. Call it what it is.

Purity rings went out with the Duggars. Good riddance to both!

They want to work for a company that offers paid vacation time, health insurance, and sick leave......small companies don’t offer that. They also don’t want to live in an ass-backwards bigotville which the midwest is full of.

Or assaults she’s been bought off to look the other way on. A college pimping out students to fundraise wouldn’t shock me a bit.

Well.....imma gone go out on a limb and guess its the same reason the Catholic Church protects its kiddie diddlers; 1.) they did it to protect the reputation of their olympic wannabe cult 2.) Nassar isnt the only creeper. Creepers cover for each other.

They gave the Republicans until February 8th to pass the Dream Act.....there will be no wall and CHIP is being funded. And the very next day after the vote Mueller says he wants to interview Trump. I want to believe the Democrat leadership is waiting for some shit to go down with trump russia investigation.

I feel for the kid and I agree Columbus Day is bullshit but teachers don’t get to pick the curriculum they teach.

Even if you go, they always filter out anyone who might disbelieve the cops. I’ve been called up multiple time and anyone familiar with what rights you have are shown the door.