“If he really wants to support a grass roots progressive movement...supporting long shot congressional candidates with millions of dollars is high on the list of stupid things to do.
“If he really wants to support a grass roots progressive movement...supporting long shot congressional candidates with millions of dollars is high on the list of stupid things to do.
I would say that single parent families is the largest contributor to the pervasive poverty in the black community. Until there is a concerted effort to fix that(Beyonce branded IUD?), I think any other efforts will be largely wasted. The asian community had incredibly low status not that long ago, but they made an…
I wish I could edit that. Because I don’t feel that black people who voice a concern about police brutality are being “whiny”.
Thanks for the long and thoughtful response. I appreciate it.
Lol, no. I didn’t call her a sHill. I was lamenting over the fact that this story will give sHills ammo to shoot at Bernie that most likely isn’t warranted. Almost in the same way that the OP was lamenting over the sexism she perceives from Bernie (whom she supposedly supports). It’s kind of obvious.
No. I’m simply offering an equally plausible explanation to the knee-jerk-“OMG BERNIE’S SEXIST! I KNEW IT!”-reaction you’re having.
Great. A new way for the sHills to attack Bernie. Here’s a theory: Maybe most of the qualified women hopped aboard the Hillary train before Bernie became a household name and a force to be reckoned with— Before Bernie had enough money from campaign contributions to draw that qualified demographic to his campaign?…
Even after I broke it off, it was a while before I realized that mine really was incapable of humanity. (Mine, an NPD, is one of those who pretends to be a little ray of sunshine to others while physically, psychologically and sometimes sexually abusing her children well into adulthood and sabotaging them in many ways…
Is anyone else bothered that they keep saying in this video "Americans and Muslims", when there are a great many number of Muslim Americans?
Also, you made a good tactical dismissal of my edit post clarifying what had previously written. The word "calling" was meant to be deleted in the hopefully-strikethrough below: