Evil Rackmore

I just find the nearest high place and glide onto the Hinox. If you don’t move and immediate start stealth-walking you can traverse his belly without him noticing. Note that you have to stick the landing without immediately moving. I noticed that you can sneak away without waking it if you jump off and don’t move

I’m surprised only 7% indian-americans are voting for Trump despite wanting to be white so badly.

Stupid. I remember logging onto Battle.net to play Diablo 1 on 56k dial-up as a 9 year old. It’s iconic.

“If he really wants to support a grass roots progressive movement...supporting long shot congressional candidates with millions of dollars is high on the list of stupid things to do.

I am unsympathetic to the this particular author. He acts as if the primary cause for black persecution is racism and has nothing to do with the fact that black people engage in more crime.

I guess in some survival situation? Saliva isn’t sterile either but that doesn’t stop people from sucking face. I wonder what’s more dangerous: The bacteria in urine or the bacteria in saliva.

I disagree and believe Chris “Boulder Punch” Redfield is the worst.

I eat oats dry like a real man.

Alright, I gotta go. I’d love to respond to all of you, but obligations. I wont be returning so be sure to get the last word! Don’t twist the knife too hard!

I’m a huge Bernie supporter (phonebanking rn), but I think looking at who comprises the top 4% is important.

Gosh, maybe you should have left out the “sHill” reference, because pretty much everything you wrote after that became “blah blah blah, Hillary is the fucking devil” in my mind and I stopped paying attention.

I agree with you— It is immature. It is childish. Thing of it is, I never claimed to take the high road. I will lower myself or jump to the same level as who I’m speaking with. It depends on if they criticize me personally. To that end I formally denounce and reject myself.

And you refer to people as “sHills.”

It’s only fair. If people are going to call Bernie supporters “BernieBros,” then I thought it was fair to invent “sHills”in opposition.

You’re right.

Hey look— Another person with subpar reading comprehension. Read what I wrote and notice that I do not write in absolutes like you. I only say words like “maybe” or “could.” I guess you missed all of those qualifiers as well as the following post I made:

Lol, no. I didn’t call her a sHill. I was lamenting over the fact that this story will give sHills ammo to shoot at Bernie that most likely isn’t warranted. Almost in the same way that the OP was lamenting over the sexism she perceives from Bernie (whom she supposedly supports). It’s kind of obvious.

No. I’m simply offering an equally plausible explanation to the knee-jerk-“OMG BERNIE’S SEXIST! I KNEW IT!”-reaction you’re having.

Great. A new way for the sHills to attack Bernie. Here’s a theory: Maybe most of the qualified women hopped aboard the Hillary train before Bernie became a household name and a force to be reckoned with— Before Bernie had enough money from campaign contributions to draw that qualified demographic to his campaign?

I feel like that’s what the connectivity of each successive generation of the main games is slowly leading up to: