Evil Rackmore

I agree with you— It is immature. It is childish. Thing of it is, I never claimed to take the high road. I will lower myself or jump to the same level as who I’m speaking with. It depends on if they criticize me personally. To that end I formally denounce and reject myself.

And you refer to people as “sHills.”

It’s only fair. If people are going to call Bernie supporters “BernieBros,” then I thought it was fair to invent “sHills”in opposition.

You’re right.

Hey look— Another person with subpar reading comprehension. Read what I wrote and notice that I do not write in absolutes like you. I only say words like “maybe” or “could.” I guess you missed all of those qualifiers as well as the following post I made:

Lol, no. I didn’t call her a sHill. I was lamenting over the fact that this story will give sHills ammo to shoot at Bernie that most likely isn’t warranted. Almost in the same way that the OP was lamenting over the sexism she perceives from Bernie (whom she supposedly supports). It’s kind of obvious.

No. I’m simply offering an equally plausible explanation to the knee-jerk-“OMG BERNIE’S SEXIST! I KNEW IT!”-reaction you’re having.

Great. A new way for the sHills to attack Bernie. Here’s a theory: Maybe most of the qualified women hopped aboard the Hillary train before Bernie became a household name and a force to be reckoned with— Before Bernie had enough money from campaign contributions to draw that qualified demographic to his campaign?

I feel like that’s what the connectivity of each successive generation of the main games is slowly leading up to:

So let me get this straight:

Do yourself a favor and get this game, guys. It really is one of the best in the horror genre. It also has (had?) a thriving mod scene via developer tools distributed by Frictional Games. It’s an amazing experience— Don’t miss out.

I remember the times my mom literally washed my mouth out with a bar of soap because I said “damn” as an eight year old after hearing it on TV. Then there were all the times she beat me with a belt. One time, the metal tip of the belt cut my face and she told me to lie and say I “fell on a rock”— Which I did when my

I guess I'll play devil's adv— Well, that's be too strong, I will play devil's acquaintance.

Back when I was a kid, I would eat a lot of cereal for breakfast— I'm talkin' 6 big bowls erryday (high metabolism) — and I always thought it was the milk that made me feel like shit. I simply came to the conclusion that, given my symptoms, I must be lactose intolerant since most other black people are. Long story

So far so good...

Sometimes it is the developer's fault. Look for text by [S2]Maliken in the image below. Hopefully it will retain its size and be expandable

That's one way to interpret that data...it's the wrong way, but you can hold that opinion.

As you say, it's not getting any better any time soon. So long as white people here in the US think racism is zero sum game that they believe they are losing, the light at the end of the racism-tunnel will always be foggy. Being black, you learn to roll with the punches, but it's always difficult to see the whole