Evil Rackmore

And I hops in mai red to mek a queck rawn.

"1. I don't like his looks.

Good work. It's disappointing for me to see so many people in that thread try to dismiss the implications of the "joke." It's also sad to see people spit in the face of logic, reason, and empathy.

Uh oh, cray cray multiple personality accounts!

"a hyper-defensive, name-calling, hypocrite with no sense of humor"

"Last time I checked, a* person..."

"Ah, butthurt. A term used only by immature teenagers and stupid adults. Since when has defending a position you take been butthurt? If I had just came in, said the game sucks and never looked back, would that have helped my opinion? Of course not, that's what trolls do. I explained myself clearly and with pretty

You missed my point entirely.

That depends— Are you still trying to be a hyper-defensive, name-calling, hypocrite with no sense of humor who refuses to take reality at face-value and decides then to take the "victimized bystander" route after realizing I made you look like a dirtbag/clown by simply quoting you verbatim, causing you to delete the

So many people throwing around the word "racist" like they're playing a zero-sum game.

Lol? So delusional. It's okay. It'll be our little secret.

Lol, I come back to masturbate to this thread and I find it a barren wasteland. Even if my argument had been the one that ended up pummeled as badly as yours was, I wouldn't have dismissed anything. Who's the narcissist now?

Wow, I didn't think you'd actually respond this time.

"Dude, helpful tip. Read this again, you are a delusional narcissist who trolls kinja, you are basically admitting such right here."

What's "craycray" is that you actually interpreted what I wrote that way. I'm awaiting when you to quote exactly where I decided to "insult myself and then blame you for it". If you can't do it, and reply without it, I win. If you do it and I addressed it in my previous post, I win. If you do it and I didn't address

So as soon as you realize you're argument has been defeated, you claim I'm trolling? Do you really think anyone would spend that much effort out of their life typing responses as lengthy as mine if they were just trolling (perhaps I'm naive?). Then you claim that I'm blaming you for... something??? I'm black— I'll

Not sure if that's directed at me (possibly because of some misunderstanding or because it appears I went overboard— the subject at hand relates to one of my pet peeves) or not, but either way your friend led you in (what I would consider to be) the right direction— Mission Accomplished.

"1. You don't really understand what an internet white-knight is. It certainly isn't someone who decides what is offensive. See any thread about reddit to understand net-WKs."