
You’re a knob. ISIL has acquired very little in Syria and what they do have was stolen or captured. They got some larger systems in Iraq (HMMWV, towed artillery, some tanks, etc) but It’s not like they got them from us. If we give or sell equipment to someone it’s not on us what they do with it. If it is, Russia and

Yeah, not much going on outside of a small quantity of stolen small arms from our failed training efforts in Syria, which is small time. And what ISIS captured from the Iraqi Army, which is hardly our fault or responsibility. But you keep up that hyperbole train. Don’t let the facts get in the way of your demonizing

I can’t believe this isn’t a bigger story than it is. It’s strange, inexplicable really.

Overkill? Not even... Two Standards and one ESSM to defeat two incoming cruise missiles is pretty damn good.

Insane, no matter where you stand. This is a major deal and should have been the top story, period. It’s as if the COLE attackers had been stopped by an alert sentry but nobody noticed.

Yup, but knowing who we are at war with is the tricky part. And like all things in that area, the missiles were probably launched from a school or hospital roof top so any retaliation would make us the asshole.

Kluwe’s such a star he can just go right up to men and try to grab them by the jersey

Eh, I think the OP’s comment was less about the subject of the post and more about the “oh, here’s something the internet likes, let’s take a hot wet dump all over it” attitude that became so familiar over on Gawker.

Hello Gawker my old friend.

*Begrudgingly acknowledges well-articulated point*

Clinton is just going to let Trump hang himself in the noose he’s already tied. She risks further polarizing an already unbelievably polarized environment in DC by taking the gloves off, at this point.

Can’t say anything

The case for the defence was multi faceted.

Sure, but that’s assuming those rebels were trained up enough to be trusted to use Russia’s most high tech med-to -long range SAM system. There had to be Russians on site, in the loop.

And if the US gave rebels an advanced piece of equipment used to kill a plane full of people and then quickly took the equipment back, all hell would break loose in the international community.

Welcome to the infantry son

On the plus side, there’s been fewer tedious dissertations that can be summarized as “Tyler doesn’t understand project management, QC/testing or procurement, so he rants about everything being a scam for 20 paragraphs”.

FA has gone down hill since Tyler left. At least we get source links which is more than Gizmodo does these days

Ironically, it probably wouldn’t sink a wooden dingy, due to lack of any draft. Right by pure accident.

Indeed. 200db, the acoustic energy at the base of a Saturn V rocket isn't even existentially noise, as noise is simply our perception of pressure changes, and you would never perceive that as noise. Instead it is metaphorically one long constant explosion and it's associated shock waves. You wouldn't really get to