
Well, it's official: I am completely incapable of looking at Justin Bieber and seeing an adult man. The pictures are actually sort of cute in a "silly toddler took off all his clothes, scribbled on himself with a marker, and is running around with a toy" way. I bet he ran around like that for a while and then later


I worked in a restaurant a couple years ago when I had lost my "real" job. I sort of expected to be treated like an idiot/little kid, but what I did not expect was how I would be treated like I was always trying to get away with something. So bizarre. It's just like, no really, I'm not trying to scam an extra free

If you work in retail or service long enough, you get a sixth sense about what is and is not worth making a fuss about. It's the saddest superpower ever.

"Jobs get the loyalty they earn" If only I could tattoo that on the foreheadof every corporate person in my company. I have been sooooo screwed over by the company I currently work for. They made a whole bunch of promises when I got hired and now they are like " well what happened was.... (insert bullshit)." Now I

Honestly, by the time you make it to Canada we will already have become exactly like America as far as treating retail and service workers goes. As we speak, I'm sure the HOs of all the chain stores are looking for loopholes that will allow them to fire people whenever they want just like in the States. My boss is

It may not be legal, but when you've already exhausted your unemployment benefits, cashed out your 401k, emptied your savings account, maxed out your credit cards, and don't make enough to put anything in savings, it's kind of hard to consider rocking the boat when you don't have a life raft to jump into when the ship

Been there sisther. I was desperate enough to have one of those 14 hour shift jobs, no sitting, no breaks — not even TO EAT. I'd sneak food in to the bathroom sometimes and then occasionally get yelled at for doing so. They call this the first world...

I once ended up yelling "And I put on NYLONS for this?" when I got an insultingly low offer.

lol @ thinking businesses in America have to follow laws

It's just American culture that promotes our slavish view toward those of a higher class than us. This view is the reason for our wealth inequality, tax system, poor vacation and maternity leave systems, and a host of other things. American culture promotes a slavish devotion to those in power.

OMG, a horrible, high-gloss mash-up of The OC and Gossip Girl would be awesome.

Who exactly was the target audience for Lone Ranger? People who watched it back in the day? Children who like cowboy movies? Adults who like cultural appropriation? I'm quite shocked it did as well as it did.

They're like, "where's the car?" but we're like, "where's the car?"

Chris Brown opens mouth: *FART NOISES*

...Sorry. That's all the insight he deserves.

I was so hoping it would be this one. Also my favorite.

The best.

OMG. I'm a parent - that ad just made me laugh and laugh! That poor dad......

I haven't even clicked play yet. But I saw the screenshot and just new that you and I had the same taste in condom commercials. Definitely the best one I've ever seen...

Omg this is amazing. Made my sister in the other room say "Dear god, what is that? What are you watching?!"