
One example that stands out to me is the time that Don and French Canadian gf (name?) took the kids to a restaurant for milkshakes and Sally spills hers and freaks out thinking she's about to be punished. But the girlfriend is surprised she's so upset and instead she's nice and calms Sally down instead of screaming at

I'm from a different generation, so one of the things that drew me into Mad Men was how different things were. How stuff that's totally not socially acceptable these days, like shaking off your picnic blanket and driving away, leaving chip bags blowing around, was totally a-okay. The pregnant women chatting with a

Oooh yeah! And his eyebrows have a supporting role in that one too, right?

Off the top of my head, the time she told Don to spank her son, repeatedly, after he said no. The multiple times she's slapped Sally. The time she pulled Sally's hair and locked her in a closet for smoking a cigarette. Every time she's told her kids to go away or 'not now' when they're upset and she doesn't want to

I don't hate you because you're fat, Betty. You're fat because I hate you!

I love susurrar but it's so hard to wrap my tongue around those double r's. But then my favorite Spanish word is ferrocarril, so I'm clearly a masochist. Also pusé, because I'm immature.

The only thing that turns me into a whiny squeamish baby is YouTube videos of tapeworms. A "friend" tortured me with those once and I fled the room squealing. But I'd say that's the correct reaction.

Oh of course!! But Community is so much more than just a sitcom, ya know?? It's streets ahead of everyone else!

Ugh can't wait!! I know that [spoiler] dies at the end of season 3, so I presume cage fighting is Ryan's surly way of working though all his feels about that. Ain't nothing like an emotionally crippled dude fighting other dudes while shirtless! On TV, that is; in real life that would be sad :( Though I guess it also

True true. But as much as Sam sooort of changed, I still hated his chapters. They're not as boring as Dorne (what is?), but still pretty boring.

Agreed! They have over a thousand years of written history and they've never evolved beyond feudalism? No industrial revolutions, no inventions or technological advancements? No social movements or any -isms at all? I became pretty disappointed in all of Westeros when I realized that.

Seriously! Sometimes I worry about what important stuff is being squeezed out of my brain in order to make room for my vast stores of knowledge on Game of Thrones and Revenge and Harry Potter. Algebra's a goner, for sure.

Oh yes Southland is still a thing, despite getting jerked around all the time! And obviously that's what Ryan did after high school. That's genius. I loved Lucy Liu on it... last season I think it was?

Dude they all work! Except for Marissa, I don't know what's up with her. But Ryan is on that intense cop show on TNT and Cohen was on Burning Love and Summer is on the CW, playing a doctor of all things... Ahem sorry, I've been re-watching The O.C. lately, what of it?! It is deliciously terrible, but also deliciously

Ha I used to share too, with my brother (I'm a girl). Thankfully he got his own bed before we got too old and it was weird. But I kept the double, mwah hahahaaa!

Seinfeld's much better, but... maybe I just don't like sitcoms? At least I can respect a Seinfeld fan, but a Friends fan? Still? In this day and age of many fine comedies? Not so much.

I had a double as a kid, but for the purpose of my room doubling (heh) as the guest room.

Girl, yes. I know he's supposed to be pretty despicable, but I can't help but like him. He's charming and cute as heck :(

Unpopular opinion alert: I also hate Sam. He's just so whiny (in the books especially) and is always talking about what a coward he is! He becomes even more unbearable when he gets obsessed with Gilly.

I love TV, but I hate Friends. The characters were obnoxious and I cringe at the 'set-up set-up PUNCHLINE!' humor. I can see it coming from a mile away and I hate it by time it arrives. Ohhhh and the laugh track ugghhhh the laugh track.