Ha that's what stood out the most for me too! I drew that nonsense on everything back in the day, but never knew it had a name.
Ha that's what stood out the most for me too! I drew that nonsense on everything back in the day, but never knew it had a name.
If you want to show your support for Obama's proposal, you can visit the White House's plan proposal page and sign it. It also gives a lot of detail on the measures proposed.
'88 here, and I'm inclined to agree with you. I rock the shit out of Trivial Pursuit 90's Edition and when I hang out with people my age the vast majority are educational overachievers and very environmentally and socially conscious. There's probably a fair amount of observational bias in there, since I don't hang…
Really? Maybe it's not on the negative list, but I've come across that stereotype quite a bit. Plus the vast number of Tracy Flicks I've encountered in all my classes since middle school is enough to convince me, at least.
I can't speak for all of my generation (duh), but I've been around nearly 25 years now and I know how I turned out- awesome! Kidding. But frankly it seems silly to me that I am far older than this Millenial concept is and yet that is the stereotype assumed of me by complete strangers. How will we turn out? Pretty much…
Yep. Toghety Highway 24, at your (sexual) service. It lacks a certain je ne sais quoi.
Umm hello everyone learned this game in high school. Take the name of your first pet and the street you live on and voila!
Wait, isn't the other stereotype of my generation that we're helicopter-parented overachievers who were signed up for more after-school activities than we could count and whose parents sued administrators if we didn't get into that Ivy League pre-school that teaches Algebra to 4 year olds and gives smiley faces for…
Yeah, I guess to be honest that sounds about right. I went to public school too and Civics (the required-for-graduation class) was really a joke that no one paid attention to and we had an awful teacher who gave us coloring assignments in the 10th grade. I think I only ever really learned about Roe v. Wade and other…
I feel like anyone who took any intro social sciences class ever in college should know, but don't only 30-40% of Americans go to (and graduate from) college? But then you'd think that since all those virulent anti-abortion peeps aren't really college material that even uneducated folks would know what it is if only…
You're right- half the country doesn't even vote and half of the half that does votes Republican. I'm definitely giving my fellow Americans too much credit :(
Heh I love the cold stony death stare so much! I use it on creeps who stare at my chest/ass when waiting in line or at the bus stop or whatever. Not just doing the harmless once over that I even catch myself doing, but that gross nasty fixed ogling of m'body. Catch their eye and then death stare them down. "I am a…
Yeah, I'm actually there with you on not liking ALL rap indiscriminately. As with all music, some is just bad and overly cocky and violent. I like rap, but I like some genres a lot better than others.
What??? Maybe I am completely overestimating my generation/countrymen, but that sounds like some BS to me. Anyone who knows how to read, attended some of their high school civics classes, or has even the most fleeting of interests in the world around them knows what Roe v. Wade is, right? Right???
I'm a girl and I'm white and I like rap, dammit. I wasn't aware this made people uncomfortable (also, I don't give a shit.)
If the princess thing isn't foisted upon young kids, it's probably totally harmless. I think more harmful (to my childhood fun-having) was my parents banning Barbies and most Disney Princess movies. I had this Sleeping Beauty book that I'd make my dad read me and he'd pause every page or so and say "You know, Aurora…
I think any time parents are super restrictive about something, this is how it ends up. My mom never let us eat junk food and now my brothers and I are complete sugar fiends. Sour Peach Rings are my happy place :)
Ha yes, shut it Cherry Creek, no one cares! Oh shit, don't sue. I know you're all lawyers up in there. Sincerely, a Jeffco alum.
Regis Jesuit versus Cherry Creek? It's like battle of the 1 Percenters up in hurr. Go cry about it Cherry Creek, why doncha. She's a national and state treasure! Don't be dicks!
In response to Ryan Seacrest- ummm, no? Is that actually a thing that people do?? Are we sure he's an actual person and not some pee monster robot?