
Far more people are familiar with Cockle, making him synonymous with the character. I doubt this revelation will change that perception. Not that it’s particularly important to non Polish speaking folk.

I mean, that’s an interesting quote but I sort of think you have to look at the leading phrase “As democracy is perfected” to modulate this take a bit.

Ruining a community gathering to watch a one time only in game event? Yeah, I’ll confidently call that trolling.


Nintendo: Fuck you and buy one of our boxes. The box doesn’t have your game? Fuck you HARDER.

“We don’t want you to enjoy our work from unauthorized sources. The only legitimate modern-day way to enjoy our classic, timeless work is by trampling each other to get a NES or SNES classic during their extremely limited runs. We hope that what you want to play is one of the 50 games across both devices. We will not

If I could buy these games at a fair price for use across my 3DS and Switch, Nintendo would earn a LOT of my money.

I put like 40+ extra games on the SNESretro, I’m tired of Nintendo deciding whats best for me to play when half the stuff isn’t even available physically, is overpriced or hasn’t even been translated. Nintendo needs to back off, this stuff is like 25 years old now. 

Good joke.

So does this hopefully mean that the games they are taking down will finally be available to purchase on Switch?

“Such visitors are drawn to the website by the widespread availability of free, unauthorized copies of Nintendo’s video games and other highly valuable intellectual property.”

Shit. I’m white and I would have come across the table and yanked that beef jerky bitch out of her chair by her raggedy hair for a little throw around. Screaming over my attempts to redirect the conversation back to what your shifty book peddling ass was supposed to be on the show for? After you single me out for some

I knew it was over for Jeanine when Whoopi asked “Did you just point at me?”

Meghan sucks so bad on many levels. But in this instance, how you gonna apologize to the person who was berating your coworkers? Have an ounce of decency and loyalty, ho. Damn.

Not only put her finger in the face of a black woman, but also called her deranged and disordered for pointing out facts, for stating the truth about reality.

There is nothing messy about it. Pirro put her hand in the face of a black woman. She’s lucky to be breathing. Pirro is the 53% of Becky’s that think they get to lecture people of color regardless of gender on how to live and act. Fuck that fugly bitch and anyone down with her.

“Uhh, wut” ?  Da fuq has Hillary have to do with any of this !!?? Mahn you folks love the taste of her name in your mouth MMMhhMMM..

Tomato troll, brah.

I sincerely hope she spends the rest of her life unable to eat at a restaurant due to the incredibly high odds that somebody’s going to shit in her food.

Sarah, you are a traitor too.