
Good Gaw(ker)d, that's naaasty.

Well heeeello.

Not if you pre-ordered like a boss...What I did.

No bukakke? #FAIL

I know right. Believes in evolution. How stupid can we BE! Jebus come save us NOW!!

Discount....double dicked.

While this sums up my experience playing with my son and his friend, I'd have to say it's only a matter of time before he finds this video on youtube and then I will have to explain a thousand things to him (he's 9). Pretty good summary of playing online for sure.

Just let me DL my damn WII U games to my external drive. I hate swapping disks. My WII and WIIU are both running Homebrew and I can play ALL my wii games on my WII and vWII via a 32 GB USB drive and that app for Homebrew that lets you scroll through titles, then launch from your storage device. I own all the games

Smell's like success!

That was great. Hope my kids are like that some day.

My 9yo son kicks my ass all day too, but street fighter or mario kart, I smoke him like a new born.

My son (9 yo) and who constantly defeats me in SMASH loves this video. I can't wait for him to destroy people online, then get rick rolled by me in Street Fighter or Killer Instinct.

I only learned of this abomination from listening to my daughter watching one of his retarded video reviews. I thought, for a second, she was watching a Fred TV show, but nope, turns out to be some other no talent ass clown who mesmerizes pre-teen children with his annoying banter. I wish GOP would hack his shit and

Even a bear says "solve it with smash".


Raaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiders. Thanks SF for being the new RAIDERS in the yea area!


Michael Vick does.. DUH.

BFG Bitches! Such a fun game back in the day..