There are four rankings of classified information in the American intelligence community. Confidential, Secret, Top Secret, and code word clearance. The information that President Trump divulged was considered code word clearance-level intelligence, and thus it was above the Top Secret ranking in clarification.
Wanted to look at this item. Clicked on the link. It said “give us your email so we can customize your experience”. Hahaha. I’ve purchased many items from your suggestions that I’ve been extremely satisfied with, but screw this. I’m out. No knock on you, but no. And I was very interested in this carry on.
Wanted to look at this item. Clicked on the link. It said “give us your email so we can customize your experience”. …
Counterpoint: when accidents are litigated to determine damages, the courts usually assign blame by percentage. This is called either ‘contributory negligence’ or ‘comparative negligence’ depending on when you live. This standard exists because in the real world there’s no such thing as an ‘accident.’ The…
“Why are we constantly bringing up the autonomous accident? Was there something it’s operator could have done? Would the accident been any different if the vehicle was not autonomous?”
He’s Presumed Innocent, but that plane was a Clear and Present Danger to the jet. What if it had been Air Force One?! If I were a Witness, I’d be Frantic. What Lies Beneath that little plane... I mean, he could’ve been a Widowmaker.
America invaded multiple countries while Putin has been in office, and menaced even more. The US is guilty of far more international meddling in the last few years than Russia.
Breakfast Club
“wasn’t in the spirit of the buyback.”
FIFY. The fact he said “good riddance” suggests he didn’t share your enthusiasm.
Do you understand what a turboprop uses for motive force?
Not just their customers, anyone else who shares the road as well.
Also, I ride motorcycles. If a Tesla can’t see a Semi, what chance do I have?
They need to stop using the name Autopilot. You can’t expect end users, especially families, to adequately explain the functionality to their kids, wives, husbands, etc when they borrow the car.
People who live in Glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.
The gun lobby doesn’t sell guns with a “public beta” feature
still in a public beta phase
You’re right. Not disqualified out of hand, but I have purchased several of your featured items and been let down. I’m really disappointed in how large the fake review “industry” has become. Makes me wonder about those commissions you guys receive . . .
You’re right. Not disqualified out of hand, but I have purchased several of your featured items and been let down.…