
Uber is in the news because of their CEO’s terrible actions towards employees and women, its really Uber’s own PR move for better or worse. Maybe Lyft advertises so that the customer can see there is another choice, its like Pepsi putting a billboard near Coca-Cola - Marketing 101. Uber can advertise anytime...

1 - Lyft isnt testing autonomous cars on public streets.

Was VW in the ‘spirit’ when they knowingly cheated him and every other TDI owner?

I have 2 of these - they do NOT work with new HomeKit iOS 10

I have 2 of these - they do NOT work with new HomeKit iOS 10

What if that business man owns a heart valve replacement company? What if that Dr is a convicted peodophile?

In Los Angeles - people start honking 3 cars back if you haven't moved the instant the light turns. :/

I thought it was 74%?

100% the best explanation - everyone should read this comment.

How about a feature that doesn't tell me to make a left hand turn into 4 lanes of oncoming Los Angeles traffic... that would be great!

And actually, your insurance CAN go up if you live around nothing but Ferrari... zip code based insurance is real... your neighbors all drive more expensive cars.. your cost goes up. You only have a GED and your neighbor has a PHD, your cost is higher.

So.. as you said.. ‘based on the safety of your vehicle’ ... and as technology improves safety the outdated vehicles become more expensive to insure.

Nows your chance to voice you opposition. This stuff is in legislation now, today, its happening.

Not True, your 87 accord is now more expensive to insure as the payouts increase. Your not paying insurance for you, your paying insurance for who you potentially hit. Replacing a bumper on an 87 Accord is cheap.. replacing a bumper on a robot car with sensor arrays gets expensive. If robot car cannot hit robot car,

Zero Fatalities? Where do you get that number from a non existent product? Zero as yet, but then again.. theres what 30 of these cars on the road now?

Consider this - Insurance companies will deem ‘human’ drivers inefficient and therefor more expensive to insure. Meaning you can keep you 87 Accord on the road - but your insurance will be $4,000 a month vs Automated car. Its not price to the customer thats an issue, its price to insure... and that... you don't


On a closed track...