I’m downstairs and she’s upstairs. My snoring and unwillingness to go to bed at 8:30 are the main reasons. We don’t have a problem with it.
I’m downstairs and she’s upstairs. My snoring and unwillingness to go to bed at 8:30 are the main reasons. We don’t have a problem with it.
Now several young brides from Kilkenny
It’s common occurrence: You get into a verbal altercation with someone, mumble something dumb and then later that…
As a rule, middle and high school are the most embarrassing times of a person’s life and school dances are where we…
"hehe, hey Michelle, why didn't they cast Barack in Selma?"
I have a theory about people who become wildly successful/famous on the level that Steve has achieved: their relationship with their past, pre-fame and success, is an either or proposition. Either they embrace it. Or they shed it like a snake sheds its skin, leaving it in the middle of the road, to dry up and blow…
The suicide of a 17 year old, 3 teenage girls missing from their families and brainwashed by extremism.
I dated my husband for a month before we moved in together. We've been together twelve years now, this summer is our 5-year wedding anniversary, and we have the cutest damn five month old baby you've ever seen.
Who else is old enough to remember this gem:
How did it get to this point? I think they know the answer to that already. The same way so many other workers get to the point of having to be represented by their respective unions or by law. It's not hard to put up a sign in your business that helps to protect you not-employees/contractors. Or it doesn't seem hard,…
Because of course, Republican senator Lindsey Graham from the great state of South Carolina, decided he would ask…
My late father was married 4 times, for approximately 9-10 years each.
It got to the stage with the last few, when they came visiting with him at around the 9 year mark, I would give them a slow, sympathetic and slightly awkward smile.
My fiance and I are getting married in 5 days in the seychelles islands. No family, no headache, no pathological family members who so hate thir own life that they have such GRAND advice for how we should live ours. NO brothers hanging out wondering what TV station has FOX news so they can blames WHORES who…
In a long essay published on BuzzFeed Tuesday night, Lena Dunham discussed the various nasty things that have…
Yeah, call me when they offer a doll that isn't white and blonde.
I'm surprised how many people predicted doom for that relationship. Sure, it's a Hollywood relationship. Odds that it will last 10 years are low, just as they're low when we're talking about two sweet, well-liked stars. But Kim and Kanye have known each other for many years and it seems like they have very similar…
How many days have I worked in my life??? Two!!!
Such a cool story, though its a shame that a couple who has been together for 72 years, had visited all 50 states, 10 Canadian Provinces, and lived through some of the wildest times in American history were barely able to cross "Get married to the woman I love" off their bucket list.
Seriously; if potato salad can earn some cash, this movie should rake in bank.