
I guess Spurs was a good win, but as an Inter fan and Serie A apologist who's running out of excuses, I'm telling you, do not hang your hat on Napoli or any other Italian team. They're utter garbage. I mean, for me it's come down to supporting Juventus just so Serie A can get its fourth Champions league place back.

Nah man.

"Well Clint Malarchuk almost got killed by a skate. Maybe we should just ban skates, eh?" is the comeback that kills that theory.

I liked how at the end the Celtics are the only team without a banner.

Understandable. He was never that good at threading the needle.

These aren't all Ron Washington decisions, but they're entirely the product of Ron Washington's philosophy, which appears to be "Do What You Feel."


[reads news]

Um, OK....

They will not win the Super Bowl.

If that was meant to be a joke, it's pretty ill-conceived. And by ill-conceived I mean really really lame.

Twas a good Madrid derby yesterday. Surprised it didn't get an article, seeing as it could prove to be the beginning of the end for Ancelotti.


Let's savour this while it lasts.

ESPN: Holy Crap Seriously?!

Pittsburgh Steelers: Mayday

This has been asked many times before but still no explanation (I think): What was up with this?

With all these stripes, something had to be solid.

This team needs to visit the Nigerian presidential residence.