
I'm sending you the bill for my shorted screen.

Neither funny nor incisive applies to a hell of a lot more comments than you delete, not least the jokes about recently deceased people that your commentariat is so famous for. I'm sure you'll agree no one benefits from cannibalising those guys either. Except, of course, you guys.

Go to hell Tim, you fascist.

"This is all highly unscientific."

Just look at that article. And those comments. How stupid must you be to miss the fact that he simply lost his balance? I mean, seriously...

Are you seriously saying that you would take Steelers-Ravens-Browns-Bengals over Cowboys-Redskins-Giants-Eagles? The former teams have all either collapsed or enjoyed incidental beginning-of-year success, while the latter have all been either unlucky, just hit a run of bad form or are one to two players away from

Otherwise known as a whole one-sixth of the game?

Am I wrong in saying that the term 'winner' should be reserved for late goals scored when the game is tied?



Nightmare fuel.

Title: Look at what those idiots did!

I'm sure he'll connect the dots and find out the perpetrator eventually, but up until then, he's just talking to ghosts.

It is most satisfying to me that you stole Deadspin's thunder.

You're talking about something you know nothing about. Stop talking about things you know nothing about.

Who was the guy in the beige suite standing next to Gruden when ESPN mistakenly cut to the booth while trying to show off that stupid hologram thing?

Normally I would be all for any demeaning comment towards the jerks that are the Deadspin regulars, but this dude bought himself hundreds of bad comments with this.

Dutch people. Always going on about their precious Fort Werk.