
Sorry to bounce on this but I rarely get the chance to talk to people who actually hire people. (Based on your comment, I assume you do!) This might be specific to the jobs I apply for (project management in academic or non-profit contexts), but the job postings typically list around 15 different job responsibilities

As long as you don’t have kids, I think getting a cleaning service is the only solution that will keep you both happy.

A friend of mine, a divorce lawyer, says her business is through the roof, and comprised primarily of women who are fed the fuck up. 

I did the same, and found out my ballot would be counted today. I usually proudly relish voting in person and am a little sad that I can’t this year. 

Just got home from voting, well home from dinner after voting, it was 2 1/2 hour wait, not too bad, voted all democrat obviously, I’ll be a poll worker on Election Day (my first time) and watching what they do really made me excited but also scared me a little .. it’s a lot of work and I’m a friendly person but I can

My state has extremely limited early voting (available only the Th-Sat before a federal election), but I plan to vote early on Friday.  It’s be my first time ever voting any day other than Election Day.

We don’t have the luxury of being hopeless or endulging in nightmare scenarios. We have had 4 years to work towards this day. Have you voted yet? If so, awesome! Have you encouraged your friends to vote? If so, awesome! You can still help. Have you written/texted/called registered voters to GOTV? There’s still time! Ha

I voted by absentee ballot last week, and dropped it off at my town hall ballot box. Straight ticket, democrats down the line. 

All positive news but don’t listen to polls. Vote early if you haven’t voted yet. Call a friend or text a family member or knock on your neighbors door and ask if they’ve voted. Volunteer for a campaign. Donate. Don’t let up now. 

Look, they have to make money, but yeah, it’s like sports on TV now. They crammed so many ads in that I’m forced to watch DVR-delayed because it’s fucking oppressive.

I can make it even simpler: listen twice as much as you speak. More specifically, research questions about our community far more than you just merely think about it by yourself.

Don't be so blind. These folks know them deers are all radical Mooselims. Vigilance! 

I have yet to come across anything that tops this:

I guy I had been casually seeing once texted me a picture of another man’s junk and asked “Do you want some of me?” I texted back asking why he was sending me pictures of another man’s more impressive dick. I didn’t hear anything back from him after that. 

“Already fucked once, might as well keep doing it lol."

This reminds me of a guy who said BLAMMO! instead of warning me beforehand.

I was an adult woman and an adult man took me to a Buffalo Wild Wings located inside a movie theater on our first date, but we weren’t going to a movie. This was 2008-ish, so early enough that most people did not have smart phones and therefore didn’t necessarily have a camera in their pocket. After the server takes

Did you know I can cut a piece of wood in half just by staring at it?