
Thank you for your input. I also don’t have a crystal ball. He does know I think his apartment is a mess (kindly note I never said my *partner* is disgusting - I think you’re projecting there), he agrees but doesn’t have the time/energy to do anything about it (or rather prioritizes other things), he (since before

Sorry to bounce on this but I rarely get the chance to talk to people who actually hire people. (Based on your comment, I assume you do!) This might be specific to the jobs I apply for (project management in academic or non-profit contexts), but the job postings typically list around 15 different job responsibilities

I grew up in northern Europe and (separately) know a lot of academic women - while marriage is still common among both demographics, it’s not a “given,” and more of my woman acquaintances from those two spheres are unmarried than married. Many are single, but other have been in relationships “forever” - just with no

The thing is I don’t! He’s otherwise a lovely partner - just awful about domestic chores.

Kudos for this! I have totally failed to do this and am well on my way to becoming really resentful about it. Thing is, my partner’s standards for cleanliness are horrible, so I feel like I’m faced with a choice to either clean, scrub, and feel resentful; or to feel physically disgusted whenever I’m staying over at

Hi! I hope you’ll see this! Groupthink was deleted by evil Kinja, but there are a few separate places that people have migrated to. Hopefully you’ll be able to join us - I miss Fuck It Fridays!

If I’m understanding one of the articles you linked to correctly, the voter registration deadline is tomorrow (Oct 5). It’s still a great cause to donate to because it will allow people to vote in future elections and potentially help them out of the dystopian debt spiral that one of the other commenters described here

I’m so sorry. What a terrible situation to be in. It sounds like you have already had conversations with him and he’s not budging. I’m always willing to give people the benefit of the doubt: I’ll listen to them, ask questions, provide evidence and facts. But if you’ve done that and he is dug deep into his conspiracy

As someone who lived in Michigan where protest votes by white woke bros to an third-party candidate (along with truly grotesque voter disenfranchisement) made the state flip red (for Trump), anyone equating Trump with Biden makes me...develop violent fantasies that should not be publicly discussed. I’m heartbroken to

I used to joke about this, and then Trump happened. Since then, I’ve sent panicked “Ugh, before we go on our third date...who did you vote for?” texts to partners. (Luckily, so far it’s been 2/2 for Hillary.) Maybe it’s petty, but I don’t fuck with people who vote for someone who tramples on my human rights (as a

Good luck, I hope it works out! I’m so skeptical of insurance companies at this point that I have no trouble believing they straight-up lie to customers about what is legally covered under their plans and what isn’t - hence why I think sending over a letter that quotes the text of the law might be helpful.

I’m super late for the party, but also: anyone with solid info on exactly what is covered and what isn’t re: IUDs? My insurance provider said that the insertion would be covered but the follow-up appointment might not be. This website seems to suggest that all appointments necessary for and related to birth control sho

I’m with you. No news on going back to the office yet, but I know my boss is keen to do it so it’ll happen as soon as it’s legal in the state. My work is 95% email and/or working on documents independently - so it’s not like I’m missing being a part of a vibrant work team - and I often don’t have enough things to do.

Nowhere near 8-10%, but I have a savings account with Synchrony Bank that pays c. 2% interest. Given that there are no fees, no minimum (?I think), and getting money from the account only takes 3-5 days, I think it’s a good way to stash money that you don’t need right now but don’t want to invest. 

I was curious where the “16 times” came from, and if you read through the press release for the study, they specifically mention that in the study, a white middle-class woman received positive responses 20% of the time, while a working-class black man received one positive response out of 80, which is 1.25%, ie one

Thank you for this! Such a helpful list, and I look forward to reading some of the works included.

Me, too. Hymens come in different shapes and consistencies. Some people’s hymens actually don’t tear/pop/whatever because they are stretchy enough to accommodate things. Mine, however, was the opposite. My first sexual experiences were good in terms of being ready for it/wanting it, etc., but they sucked from a

Michael, thank you for writing this article. It’s really informative, but it also got me curious for more, so I was wondering if you or some of the readers could point me to additional resources - or maybe even write a follow-up article on the topic! I’d really like to find out about alternative ways of handling

Mixed feelings, based on personal anecdata. I was just diagnosed as having mild precancerous changes in my cervix caused by a high-risk HPV strand. My pap smear was normal (false negative), and I only got the HPV test after my gynecologist and I figured “why not” although I was not due to start my post-30 pap&HPV