Eunice X

Do you live in New York? I did until recently and all of my friends were like this. You literally cannot buy tickets to something in advance because there is a 90% chance they’ll flake out. Finally I moved to Germany and my new RELIABLE friends can’t believe people are really like that.

> Semenya, who has been doggedly

> how many of us watch porn (everybody)

I hope they have more to say than complaining about Grammys, streaming numbers and turning down the Super Bowl. Next they’ll be saying the fake media lied about their crowd size.

Huh. Repeating a cheap Republican meme designed to be repeated (though untrue) until everyone believes it. Tell me again about Pizzagate.

I don’t know what she looked like before but her face screams testosterone now. She has the look of a lot of female body builders: like a man with a wig stuck on his head.

It’s too late for voting. Rich people are already in control.

Sex and the City Diversity Game

I heard Fox News is showing the footage backwards so it looks like a Muslim is running away from a baby he left dangling on a balcony.

I love how whoever made the little Cheetos figures painted zero details on their bodies other than sunglasses and the woman’s bush.

Tall people have to stand in the back? Yeah, that’s what tall people with bad eyes really love to hear. So much wonderful queer inclusion — oh, except for me! I have to get out of this lovefest because I’m annoying.

Re the Spike Lee Colorado Springs movie: a friend of mine decided Los Angeles wasn’t the place to raise a kid, so he and his wife moved to Colorado Springs. People were religious there, he said, and since they were devout Buddhists they would fit right in.

When I was ten, a Beatles song came on the radio. My dad made a face before turning the channel. “That’s not music,” he said. “You can’t whistle it.”

DFW intensely loved dogs, and his harassing, stalking and threatening women with violence made him a really fascinating guy and great writer. Got it.

Not the smartest thing in the world: asking yourself, “What would Shania Twain do?”

Wow! I’m usually great with grammar but that alluded me.

This story says their goal was to sell 6,000 boxes. The Instagram post says their goal was to make $6,000. Is it possible the Girl Scouts gave them $1 for every box they sold?

He really, really, really wants to go back living with wolves but he wears cologne.

I worked for TRW in aerospace. There were always six or seven projects going on — starting, ending, being cancelled — and you had to be on one so they could charge the government for your salary. If all the projects were fully staffed and you couldn’t find an opening, you’d be quickly fired.

I was in engineering too. Stay with your company and you’ll get 2%-3% raises every year. Move to a different company and get a 20%-30% pay hike.