
Nah, it’s just a theory as far as I’ve heard. Read it online ages ago I think.

like a 1:10 ratio of positive esports stories to negative ones. It has to be a fundamental problem with the culture of competitive gaming.

It’s been about a decade since my last Neuroscience class, but iirc, but the short-circuit aspect isn’t too far off the mark from the common explanation - essentially, during the process of sensory data being selectively encoded into perception, some wires get crossed affecting the phase of perceptual heuristic

I agree. A really good one is a little like a crazy roller coaster. Logically you know it’s cool and not to worry, but that deep seed of “omfg” perks up just enough to make you wonder.... mine usually feel like “I’ve dreamed about this” and less like I’ve actually lived it. while I don’t believe in premonitions or

I came, I saw, you delivered.

I used to be a physicist like you, but then I took a Bose-Einstein condensate to the knee.

I would spend all my time making custom characters and never actually play the game. I’m kinda of weird like that.

I guess what they showed on screen was only...

I disagree. Tiling issues like that would be hard to overlook in an indie game, let alone a $15 back-catalog re-release from a multi-billion-dollar publisher.

I’m guessing because they don’t need to give enough of a fuck to put any work into tidying it up. They can dump it as-is, risk zero investment in any sort of improvements, and rake in the cash from people who will mash the buy button the moment they see “Chrono Trigger”.

They...didn’t “remaster” it?

You mean thousands, millions, or even billions of years after it happened.

It’s not policing of freedom of speech. Twitter is a private platform, with terms of service everyone agrees to when they sign up. Violating those terms of service allows them to suspend or delete the account.

it’s also certified by Stephen King himself - I’ve read that he wishes he thought of that ending!

Tom Jane was the practical, reasonable guy surrounded by a bunch of crazy people going on blind faith. He got kicked out, and when confronted with a no-win scenario, he did the practical thing. Had he had a little faith, everyone would have lived.

It’s an emotional kneecapping and it’s one of the better twists in genre

Nope. You have The Mist in the wrong list - that ending is brutal, haunting and utterly chilling, and the film is all the better for it.

It was a joke. A poor one, but still a joke. Damn I really underestimated the science-rage lol

Republican in the front, skinhead in the back.

If whether or not you like an artist’s work has anything at all to wanting to see him brough down for sexual harassment or abuse of power, you are MISSING THE POINT.